September 12, 2014

September 12, 2014


Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025


Facilitator: Linda Newman

Notetaker: Mark Bussey


Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll Call
    1. Welcome New Folks  
    2. Attending
      1. Linda Newman (Cincinnati)
      2. Mark Bussey (DCE)
      3. Chris Awre (Hull)
      4. Jim Tuttle (Duke)
      5. Jon Stroop (Prin
      6. Dean Krafft (Cornell)
      7. Stephen Anderson (Boston Public Library)
      8. Simeon Warner (
      9. Ray Lubinsky (University of Virginia)
      10. Mike Frischa (Yale)
      11. Julie Rudder (Northwestern)
      12. Justin Coyne (Data Curation Experts)
      13. Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
      14. Tom Cramer (Stanford)
      15. Bess Sadler (Stanford)
      16. Mike Giarlo (Penn State University)
      17. Mark Notess (Indiana U)
    3. Call for Agenda Items
  2. Next Call
    1. Date: October 10th  
      1. Facilitator: Chris Awre
      2. Notetaker: Bess Sadler
  3. Architectural oversight of Hydra core (see notes from August 2014) 
    1. August notes see:  August 8, 2014
    2. Project Hydra Repos: CORE: https://github.com/projecthydra, LABS: https://github.com/projecthydra-labs, DEPRECATED: https://github.com/projecthydra-deprecated
      1. Request to add descriptions to main wiki and links - Rick Johnson volunteered to make a first pass
      2. Need to add consistent header banners on github - Mark to bring up on next committer call
    3. Justin Coyne made a shout out to folks to get more of their developers involved in contributing code
    4. Browse everything (in labs) - is in use Cincinatti, ScholarSphere, Northwestern using
    5. Discussion promotion model at Hydra Connect (session led by Carolyn Cole)

  4. Standing Community to-do's
    1. Reports back (if any)

    2. Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
      1. Hydra Connect #2, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio: 9/30-10/3/2014 – see Hydra Connect 2 - Fall 2014
      2. Call for all participants to provide at least one poster
        1. Case Western Reserve University has graciously offered to print all posters for us
      3. Links on wiki for 
        1. Dinners on Monday
        2. Transportation from airport
      4. Call for existing Partners to act as ambassadors - there will be lots of new adopters attending who we would like to make welcome

    3. Training
      1. Hydra Camp (August report, any future plans)
        1. Princeton Camp was well attended and very successful: Hydra @ Hogwarts
        2. Installs went particularly successfully - allowed more time for drill-down, questions, experimentation for the rest of camp
        3. Upcoming Hydra Camps not scheduled, but planned for Spring & Fall 2015 in North America (US), sometime in 2015 in Europe in coordination with Hydra Symposium
      2. Hydra Connect #2
        1. Developer training to use VM deployment prototyped at Princton - if things go well, we'll do the same at DLF
        2. Unconference session at Hydra Connect for production deployment
      3. DLF in Atlanta October 27 - 29 (Hydra Installfest + Intro to Development in Hydra)
        1. 2 Hydra workshops (Install + Develop)
        2. 12-15 Hydra related presentations
      4. Association of Moving Image Archivists this year (October 8-11 . Savannah, Georgia http://www.amiaconference.com)
        1. Hack day Hydra activites during day 1 workshops
        2. Hydra for media archives panel: Avalon, HydraDAM, etc.
      5. Other
    4. Projects & Working Groups
      1. Hydramata Updates - prepping to show current version of hydramata at Connect with a focus on Works - See Notre Dame update e-mail
      2. Hydra RDF WG updates (if any) - next meeting at Hydra Connect (ad hoc work on Fedora 4)
      3. Hydra Archivists WG updates (if any) - next meeting at Hydra Connect
      4. Hydra UX update (if any) - next meeting at Hydra Connect
      5. Hydra Digital Preservation WG update (if any) - working group is exchanging e-mails in anticipation of Connect - see the Connect DPWG Agenda wiki page for more details
      6. Other Working Group Reports

    5. Strategic Plan updates
      1. The Power Steering meeting in Spring 2014 generated a long list of topic that we have been struggling over the last 4 months to convert from general ideas into action items
      2. The Hydra Steering Group had a call on September 9th to plan work at Hydra Connect to help turn the idea list into a more specific Strategic Plan
      3. One are of specific focus is to articulate a meeting schedule and interim strategy to address the need for face-time that previously occurred during quarterly partner meetings, potential solutions include but are not limited to
        1. Hydra Connect
        2. Developer Congresses
        3. Power Steering meetings
        4. Regional Hydra meetings (to help lower travel barriers)
        5. Working-Group specific meetings (to help focus available time)

    6. Status of information gathering on Fedora 3 -> Fedora 4 transitions (Migration messaging)
      1. Hydra & Fedora 4 FAQ
      2. Fedora 4 pilots at UCSD, Stanford, Penn State
      3. Overall
        1. Fedora 3.8 released - last planned release of 3.x series, but no planned end-of-life at this point
        2. Hydra support for Fedora 3.x is stable, well proven and will continue for the foreseeable future - planned at least until Fedora 3.x end-of-life if not longer
        3. Hydra community is actively working on Fedora 4.0 integrations (see pilots above)
        4. Fedora 4.0 and therefore Hydra solutions building on Fedora 4.0 are generally targeted to green field deployments
        5. Migration of existing repositories with content stored in Fedora 3.x is planned to be address in the Fedora 4.1 release
  5. Prospective Partner Intel Sharing

  6. Any other old or new business

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