September 13, 2019

September 13, 2019

Samvera Partners Call
Friday, September 13, 2019
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr 

Meeting number: 737 192 431 
Meeting password:h9cwrT45
Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com
Join by phone
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 737 192 431 

Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants. We've got a few strategies to help make this happen:

    1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

    2. We have officially adopted an Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers 


Facilitator: Franny Gaede

Note Taker: Mike Korcynski


Discussion items


Next meeting - facilitator, note taker

  • Report out on progress from the group working on visioning
    • Charlotte reported that they had a preliminary meeting and the plan moving forward.
    • Everyone will take a crack at a short vision statement, and discussion how they overlap, and settle on a draft next time they meet.
    • Marie reported on the process that they want to bring whatever they come up with to the Partners for feedback.
  • Discussion of effectiveness of these partner meetings (note from RG - I think this was intended to refer to Partner Calls)
    • Richard reported Karen put this on the agenda, and has put it on the partner meeting agenda as well, so it will get discussed there.
    • Was the question to have these calls at all or how to improve them?
      • To make them more effective with action items and outcomes.
      • What is the goal of the meeting?
  • Partner Meeting 21st October - details here - please add names and other suggested topics asap
  • Connect - please sign up for
    • Workshop registration
      • If you haven't registered do it now, they want to schedule rooms soon and collect emails for attendees to get material beforehand.
    • Poster Session
      • We ask they every institution attending Connect provide a poster, so start thinking about what you would like to present.
      • Wash U. has made arrangements to have posters printed on site free of charge.
    • Lightning talks
      • These will run at the same time as the poster session, in a room next door so you can move back and forth.
      • Potentially 2 hours of lightning talks, some slots are filled but please sign up.
      • If there are still empty slots day of, you'll be able to sign up that day.
    • Lightning IG/WG reports 
      • Attendees value these reports and they are balancing them with feedback on the plenary section, and have scheduled them accordingly.  Just a note this is scheduled slightly different than in years past.
    • To be a Mentor or Mentee (thanks to those who have volunteered as Mentors so far)
      • We have a few mentors signed up but we could use a few more.
      • Mentee list is now open for your colleagues who may be interested.
    • Program here on the wiki, here on the Sched website or by using the Sched app for conference ‘sc2019’. 
      • Close to finalized.
    • Closing Plenary:
      • Brian reported they will try to do a retro this year as part of the closing plenary.  What have you learned? What do you still have questions about?
    • Q&A:
      • Posters – There is a template.
      • Any concern the lightning talks running concurrent will dissolve the poster session?
        • Program committee felt they wanted to try it for a year.
        • Rooms are adjoining, lets try it.
        • These 2 events may appeal to different people, and may compliment each other running together.

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