Metadata Call 2015-04-08
Metadata Call 2015-04-08
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025
Moderator: Karen Estlund (Univ. Oregon)
Notetaker: Carolyn Hansen
Karen Estlund
- Esmé Cowles
- Chrissy Rissmeyer
- Mark Matienzo
- Corey Harper
- Justin Simpson
- Carolyn Hansen
- Aaron Coburn
- Chrissy Rissmeyer
- Steven Folsom
- Steven Anderson
Aaron Coburn
- Subgroup review
- Review immediate/ urgent goals prior to Sufia sprint
- Discuss base scope needed for technical metadata
- Additional Items
Next call: 2015-04-15
- Subgroup Review
- Technical Metadata (chaired by Aaron and Nick)
-most pressing timeline - Rights Metadata (chaired by Esmé)
-group will work on creating best practices, mapping - Descriptive Metadata (chaired by Carolyn)
- group will collect user stories, specifically what is causing functionality problems; what are the base metadata standards; best practices for clusters around different metadata standards
-user stories should include metadata aggregators (DPLA)
- goal to have stories for presentation at Hydra Connect - LDP (chaired by Steven Anderson)
- group will work on best practices, caching issues
- concern about caching and management of external vocabularies; there is potential for using linked data fragments; a conference call is scheduled to talk about this next week (let Corey Harper know you are interested) - Communication
- subgroup chairs will contact members directly for participation
- we will use Wiki for communication, meeting notes, etc.
- for subgroups facilitators, this conference line is reserved for Wednesday 1-2pm (EST) every two weeks; it can be used by the subgroups, more details tbd
- Technical Metadata (chaired by Aaron and Nick)
- Review immediate/urgent goals prior to Sufia sprint
Sufia needs FITS profile before their May sprint
would like a base technical metadata profile for generic files
Sufia is already using something with FITS in XML, needs FITS in RDF
interest in using pronom properties (see http://test.linkeddatapronom.nationalarchives.gov.uk/vocabulary/pronom-vocabulary.htm)
- Discuss base cope needed for technical metadata
- see notes above
- see notes above
- Additional Items
- Partnerships
- Karen spoke with Hydra folks about this; as long as no code is written, anyone can be part of the Metadata Group and Subgroups, as long as everyone agrees that any work done by the group will be made available under a Creative Commons license
- Partnerships
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