Samvera Marketing WG agenda, January 13th 2021

Samvera Marketing WG agenda, January 13th 2021

The agenda for the meeting on Wednesday January 13th will be:

  1. Notes and matters arising from the previous call (December 16th)

    1. Outreach logic model

      1. Latest draft of graphical model

      2. Next step: communications planning by information type for 2021 – document for all to add ideas; will be used to create a communications and marketing schedule for the year

The new version has been created using Lucid Chart.
Feedback on the communications plan is welcome ahead of the next call on January 27th. Heather is seeking clarification from the Steering Winter Retreat on the focus of attention around messaging growth, be that in the Community or in the tech (or both). Articulation is required to help encourage, and help make the case for, Partners to continue making contributions. Once agreed, it is proposed to disseminate this via a blog piece(s), based on and building on the Samvera Strategy.
There was some discussion about the relative merits of tech solutions for tracking use/engagement, with Airtable and Hubspot as the main potential solutions.

  1. Capturing examples of repository items to showcase / use cases and profiles

    1. Reaching out to metadata folks

Thirteen examples had been received so far. Charlotte will mock up a map using StoryMap.js to see what this looks like. Chris will follow up with those making suggestions to ask about whether they could contribute a case study or user profile.

  1. Brochure

This idea had been floated early last year, but other priorities took precedence. It was agreed that such a brochure could be helpful in communicating Samvera to senior managers, especially in the context of the emerging Samvera Strategy.

  1. Open Repositories 2021

It was agreed to draft a presentation proposal for Open Repositories covering the work of the Marketing Group and how this relates to presenting Samvera and the repository solutions that can be built with this. Chris will circulate a draft, and also look at the option of re-purposing the AUL workshop run at Connect.

  1. Meeting schedule

The Christmas break had thrown the meeting schedule off, and Chris now has a clash with another regular commitment (the Fedora Communications Group!). Recognising that Mikala from Notre Dame will be joining us on February 10th to look at the internal marketing they did, the schedule will be revised following this to use the freer slot.


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