2024-05-15 Outreach & Engagement notes



  • @Jon Cameron

  • @Kevin Kochanski

  • @Adam J. Arling

  • @Karen Cariani

  • @Molly Reed

  • @Alicia Morris

  • Your name here!


  • Architecture for Samvera websites

    • Launch for Open Repositories by June 3 with Hyku site

    • Navbar - These should be standard, but we can probably customize if we have to.

      • Adam’s default would be to have them standard across the solution sites.

      • We can always make it so that we can update the Navbar headings later

      • For now, we’ll use these standard headings.

      • Navbar started with Avalon and we iterated on it:

        • About → Learn More

        • Software → Features & Implementations

        • Blog → News

        • Community → Getting Started

        • Contact → Contact

    • Avalon feedback (Jon)

      • Structure makes sense, will comment on ticket with some feedback

      • Would like the ability to edit headings, all might not be exactly the same (eg, “Features & Implementations” might better just be “Features” for Avalon)

    • Contentful - @Heather Greer Klein will set up one or two admin accounts for each solution (Hyku, Avalon, Hyrax).

      • Admins might have power over all the sites, but there would be a log of activity if someone accidentally botched something we’d know who!

    • Themes - each site should be able to pick a primary color to distinguish it that would be used as an accent

Action items:

  • Adam will ping Kevin when content is ready to move from the Hyku site

    • Kevin will move content

  • Jon will add some comments to the template ticket