November 11, 2016
November 11, 2016
Hydra Partners Call (November 2016) |
Friday, November 11, 2016 |
11:30 am | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) | 1 hr |
Meeting number: | 737 192 431 |
Meeting password: | h9cwrT45 |
Join from a video conferencing system or application |
Dial 738605799@tufts.webex.com |
Join by phone |
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll |
Access code: 737 192 431 |
Facilitator: Nabeela Jaffer
Notetaker: James Tuttle
- Welcome to newcomer's (1-2 min.)
- Quick Roll Call (3-5 min)
- Short discussion about format of Hydra Partners' Call (5 min)
- Other items
- Digital Repository of Ireland new partner. Announcement next week.
- Other items
- Presentations (30 min)
- University of Michigan: www.fulcrum.org, an implementation of https://github.com/mlibrary/heliotrope
- Publishing platform and service on Hydra to support faculty publication, OA journals, etc funded by Mellon. Jekyll embedded in rails. High value placed on presentation and formatting. Supports markdown in metadata fields with correct indexing. Including Google Analytics using the API. Planning a code audit with DCE. Planning support for fully-encoded text to support born-digital books and journals.
- Publishing platform and service on Hydra to support faculty publication, OA journals, etc funded by Mellon. Jekyll embedded in rails. High value placed on presentation and formatting. Supports markdown in metadata fields with correct indexing. Including Google Analytics using the API. Planning a code audit with DCE. Planning support for fully-encoded text to support born-digital books and journals.
- Data Curation Experts: Hydra Training Overview
- Please vote for Hydra Pre-Conference workshops at Code4Lib - vote here
- Entry level at Emory in April. Fall in Austin area and one in Europe.
- Sandi Metz Practical Object Oriented Design at UCSD
- Please vote for Hydra Pre-Conference workshops at Code4Lib - vote here
- University of Michigan: www.fulcrum.org, an implementation of https://github.com/mlibrary/heliotrope
- Hydra Partner meeting update (5-10 min) - Community Notes
- Tom suggests maybe a Spring Partner Meeting would be a useful communication and strategy tool.
- Community Discussion of Paid Slack License.
- Currently using free tier without unlimited archiving and sharing. Present usage means the archive spans 3-4 weeks. Education/Education pricing is generous. Number of users is growing rapidly. Currently would cost ~4k/year with existing 336 users.
- Request out to developers asking for feedback about value of this commitment. Leaning to yes, presently. Will present to Partners to ask if they support commitment of funds.
- Tabled and schedule for next meeting
- Add agenda item here ..
- Slack license discussion
- Call for future presenters (1-2 min)
- Upcoming Calendar Events: (5 min)
- any additional events?
- Facilitator and notetaker for December 9th Call
- Notes: James Tuttle
- Facilitator: shanita
- Next Call: December 9th
- Andrew Rouner (Wash U)
- Linda Newman (University of Cincinnati)
- James Tuttle (Duke)
- Nabeela Jaffer
- Jeremy Morse (Michigan)
- Jocelyn Triplett (old account) (UVa)
- Tom Cramer (Stanford)
- shanita (DCE)
- John Weise
- @Nichole McNniel
- Mark Bussey (DCE)
- Richard Green (Hull)
- James Griffin (Lafayette College Libraries)
- Chris Awre (Hull)
- Margaret Mellinger (Oregon Digital)
- sanderson and Eben English (BPL)
- we'll miss you if you're not with us
Event Recording
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