Metadata Call 2021-10-26
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Community Notes:
Moderator(s): @Anna Goslen
Notetaker: @Nora Zimmerman
Anna Goslen (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
Nora Zimmerman (Lafayette)
Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)
Heather Greer Klein (Samvera)
Sarah Seymore (University of Oregon)
Annamarie Klose (Ohio State University)
Meredith Louise Hale
Subgroup Reports
URI Selection Working Group
No updates at this time
Roadmaps Alignment Group Update
Jen young will be stepping down as liaison from SMIG to this group
NZ will reach out to jen + folks who have expressed interest in maybe stepping into that role
Discussion Topics
Samvera Connect reflections
AG: really enjoyed jen’s lightning talk about reparative remediation as well as the Bulrax deep-dive
NZ: presentations on collaborative workflows involving multiple departments
SMIG Scope and Objectives
Question of meeting frequency
Seems like for the time being, folks agree to keep standing monthly meetings
Could try to better utilize the “provide ways to share metadata work in progress” at meetings in a more structured way. Invite participants to share their ongoing projects in a low stakes way
Is Avalon still a viable part of our scope?
Julie: Avalon is likely going to be incorporated into Hyrax in the ~near~ future and so there may very well be Avalon-related metadata work soon
Is there an a/v worktype?
Not right now, Avalon is still using a separate standalone stack. The descriptive metadata switch to the draft MAP has not happened, it’s still MODS XML based; but technical and administrative has been moved to RDF
Gap analysis of what Avalon is doing prior to it’s incorporation into Hyrax will happen, and this will include metadata evaluation
SMIG could play a role in advising on this work. The descriptive metadata currently uses a lot of ebucore. There is a question of how this relates with PBCore
Are there ways we could support documentation of metadata crosswalking/integration from commonly used complementary systems, such as EAD XML from ArchiveSpace or audiovisual material in Avalon, or in the use of the AllisonFlex gem?
Having someone from SMIG be part of the Roadmaps Alignment Group will be critical for advancing these kinds of integrations and collaborations and making them priorities
The SMIG member list has a lot of folks who have changed institutions or are no longer actively involved
The membership list, outside of naming the current co-facilitators, could be purged.
To document participation, the DLF Metadata Support Group lists the folks who have attended meetings in the past year. Updated annually.
Alternatively, could move “past members/participants” to the bottom of the page as a memorialization.
Topics/Plans for next year
At the beginning of the year, we had discussed an EDI roundtable
How to serve content warnings in repository applications
Local namespaces
Reparative metadata work and critical cataloging
Sharing Metadata Application Profiles/Worktypes within Samvera community applications
Sharing current metadata projects and ongoing work
Accessibility work in the metadata context
What constitutes a “good faith effort” towards accessibility benchmarks, and how can metadata be used for this?
How to serve Alt text in Samvera applications?
How can or should metadata be used in our applications towards addressing these issues?
DPLA links to a statement on each page re: harmful and outdated content
Could schedule a roundtable discussion, and invite folks to participate from outside our immediate community (e.g. DLF Accessibility WG) and also folks from other active Samvera IGs/WGs
Accessibility could very well be an area that coalesces its own separate Samvera community IG/WG
Demo Suggestions
Invite folks involved in AllisonFlex to either do a demo at a SMIG meeting or to send in a recorded demo for SMIG to discuss, and someone could be there to answer questions
Ryan and Sarah from UOregon are willing to do a demo of their Bulkrax implementation, which they’ve been working on with Notch8, in early 2022.
Other Topics for SMIG to potentially consider this year
Linked data integrations (e.g. ORCID) and handling/processing of metadata from external sources
Was demonstrated at Samvera Connect in a Lightning talk:
Roadmaps alignment group has been looking into DOI-minting and DOI integration work; automated registration with DataCite
AK: integrations with DOI/DataCite could have unintended consequences for some types of work, for example it is really geared towards scholarly publishing and not antiquities