July 10, 2020

Samvera Partners Call
Friday, July 10th, 2020
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr 

Meeting number: 737 192 431 
Meeting password:h9cwrT45

Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com

Join by phone
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 737 192 431 

Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants. We've got a few strategies to help make this happen:

    1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

    2. We have officially adopted an Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers 


Facilitator: Richard Green

Note Taker:  Robin Lindley Ruggaber


Richard Green

Esmé Cowles

Simeon Warner

Margaret Mellinger

Franny Gaede

Karen Cariani

Abigail Bordeaux  (10:30-11)

Stuart Kenny

Hannah Frost

Jon Dunn

Jon Cameron

@Nabeela Jaffer

Alicia Morris

Brian McBride

Chris Awre

Rick Johnson

Robin Lindley Ruggaber

Carolyn Caizzi

Adam Wead

Glen Horton

Agenda (and Notes inline)

  1. Notetaker for next meeting (Friday 14th August)
    1. Esmé Cowles will take notes
  2. Code of Conduct review  (25 minutes - Hannah Frost & Jessica Hilt)
    1. Presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Zj105VZYuF-oreOFjmCx0W_2Efgexa19J3OkFDmO4XQ/edit#slide=id.g35f391192_00
    2. Proposal is to engage OtterTech
    3. Python community had a history of issues and engagement was part of response, better that we work on this before issues
    4. Comment of positive experience with carpentries
    5. Steering is supportive but want partner view and decision, and will require partner work
    6. Are fees in line with other companies? No direct comparisons available to the idea of building capacity within a community. References commented that OtterTech will do a lot of work with us
    7. ACTION - Any objections or suggestion to Jessica/Hannah/Steering before 2020-07-24 Steering meeting, otherwise will move ahead
  3. Roadmap Council review (25 minutes - Nabeela Jaffer, Jon Cameron, Rob Kaufman)
    1. Roadmap Council will discuss the findings of the roadmaps survey they conducted in the late fall of 2019 and next steps
    2. Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EeeKt5NpoC42_-n65lqt8NHz7GfU8dx6tNXEJT_crXU/edit#slide=id.p
    3. Survey data from just a few institutions, many different ideas of what a roadmap is, different timelines and cycle times
    4. Roadmap work must understand that partners find it hard to share roadmaps, roadmaps change, must have low barrier to sharing and low cost to changing information
    5. Next step suggested in shared space (wiki) for partners to share roadmap with features and timeline. Roadmaps Alignment page will complement the Samvera Implementations: In-development page.
    6. Questions and comments:
      1. Some features may be things that individual applications may have implemented but not in a shareable way. Is it helpful to list those? Yes – very useful for new partners and understanding how to do things in the samvera way
      2. How much interest is there in things done outside of Hyrax? Opportunity for community sprints to bring things back to core. We might want a similar page that is Valkyrie focused
      3. Issue of "soon/now/later" getting out of date? Idea is that "soon" will be contextualized by the date of the entry
      4. Page is oriented around institutions, how would product roadmaps be maintained/integrated? Expect continued maintenance of separate product roadmaps, might copy items into this shared roadmap too (perhaps listed with project name instead of institution)
      5. How does this connect with the Hyrax Maintenance Working Group? Part of the charge for Roadmap Council is to help facilitate asks for effort but this hasn't been the focus of work so far. Community manager may be able to help
  4. Status check on Community Manager appointment (5 minutes - Carolyn Caizzi)
    1. Community Manager Search Committee meeting regularly, job ad. is out in the wild, first review July 17, expect phone interviews soon thereafter and move ahead with hope to have someone in place in the fall
  5. Brief business matters
    1. Steering Group election results
      1. Congrats all!
    2. CfP Connect 2020 On-line
      1. Expect CFP to go out July 20
      2. Working on keynote speaker
  6. Anything to raise with Steering Group (standing item)
    1. nope
  7. Date of next call
    1. Friday 14th August, usual time slot