June 2013 Agenda and Notes

June 2013 Agenda and Notes

Partners' meeting:  4 - 6 June 2013, Boston Public Library / WGBH
Partners, please add yourselves to the attendees list (link below) and add to the agenda areas below as appropriate...

June 2013 Partners' Meeting Attendees
 (please note food restrictions/issues on attendee list)

Hotel and Transport Suggestions for Boston


  • Tuesday 06/04, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday, 06/05, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thursday, 06/06, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Location: 1st Floor of the McKim Building at Boston Public Library (http://goo.gl/maps/QNCca)
(We will meet outside of the entrance facing the Copley Square Park (the same place the Google icon is set on the map above). It opens at 9:00 AM so myself and Eben will gather people there and lead everyone to the conference area. For pictures on what this entrance looks like, see: facing towards BPL entrance and facing away from the entrance)

Food: https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zn3mzyzptRvk.kutJliVezrpo

Agenda & Notes

Tuesday (breakfast provided by BPL, tour of studios and dinner by WGBH)

Wednesday (breakfast provided by BPL)


  • AM 
    • Sept Agenda Planning
    • HydraCamps
    • Geospatial
    • Hydra Time-Based Media Working Session 2013-06-06
    • OR13
    • Documentation pruning (if time allows) and action planning
    • Strategic Plan Track – next steps / action planning
    • Intro to Hydra for Manager - working session to polish Karen C's draft & publish??? (PM)


Unordered suggestions list
  • Hull is well into building a "Hydra 6" repository and can advise on the content of the H6 "fleece vest" gem, which is as yet not really advertised.

Project & Code Administration

  • The DevOps bucket - deployment, automation, packaging, project management, infrastructure, team structures, other great ideas
  • How do we mediate between the "needs" of the developers and Hydra's overall strategic direction?  Do we need a "technical liaison" person?
  • Related: Governance of the Hydra technical core. Who's setting the roadmap and what is it?
  • How do we deal with Hydra support?  "Certified/approved" providers (how do they get this status?)?  Or...?

Strategic Plan Items

  • Intro to Hydra for Manager - working session to polish Karen C's draft & publish???

Training & Outreach

  • OR13 organization
    • Intro to Hydra workshop (Mon AM)
    • Intro to Hydra for Devs workshop (Mon PM)
    • State of the Project (Hydra UG – Thurs PM)
    • other talks? 
    • Hydra Table?
    • Dev challenge – Hydra or FF-specific dev opportunities?
    • Fun evening events? 
  • Hydra Awareness Meeting in Europe (Fall 2013?)
  • Fall HydraCamp locations and Dates
    • Train the trainer 
    • Other curriculum?
  • Hydra Marketing Plan 
    • getting collateral into meetings in Europe (et al.)

Specific Technical Topics

  • Getting ready for Rails 4
  • Patterns and best practices for separating discovery vs. administration heads supporting the same content repo
  • Prune project hydra repos (hydrangea_books, model_migrator, etc.)
  • Documentation scrum – work on Hydra 3...
  • UCSD RDF work
  • Geospatial Hydra Head
  • A number of libraries are combining Blacklight with other library tools.  There might be an interesting discussion around where Hydra plays (or not) in this space in terms of integration and so on.  It might be useful for Partners to share any work going on in this area.
    • Blacklight for Hydra – what could be better about BL for Hydra? 
    • How can we create a clear line of communication b/t Hydra community and BL committers?


    • Review of Hydra Developer section of Community Wiki
    • Release management (manager) process
    • Code committer process. What's the procedure for merging pull requests? Doing releases?
    • Need to discuss item from strategy 7: By OR13, Hydra will have an updated and more polished articulation of its community principles, values, methods and benefits--the recipe that has defined the "hydra way" to date, and much of the project's success. 
    • "By end of 2013, Hydra will have defined an approach for coordinating development and support activities of partners across Europe, North America and Australasia"  Its a thorny issue, but we need to get on with it!
    • Strategy 3 around vendors: some feelers put out in the UK have shown a distinct lack of interest.  This was a "to do" from the March meeting.

Break Out Topics

  • Put topics here

Action Items
  • Lightning Talks - Call for feedback
  • Fedora Futures Update 
    • Email Hydra Tech and Partners information to access the latest code for F4

Items Not Discussed

  • Items not discussed here.


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