Lightning Talk Notes from June '13 Partners Meeting

Lightning Talk Notes from June '13 Partners Meeting

Duke Lightning Talk (David C-S) -
-went from 2 part time devs to now 2 pretty much full time devs that had no Ruby on Rails experience. 
-they had file systems with stuff (contentDM for metadata, home grown system for publishing) but no preservation repository, so this system (Duke University Libraries Preservation Repository) was the first step forward in this 
-v1.0 is the ability to take stuff from the file systems and ingest into this system and now can be deleted from the file systems. 
-no public interface just yet, staff can manage content in repository
-looking for feedback on fcrepoadmin 
-mostly a backlight interface on first screen, clicking on search results brings back information from the fcrepoadmin
-has the ability to get from an object to it's associations without any custom code
-currently ingest takes place with scripts on the back end
-the current interface takes the place of the fedora admin UI
-doing fixity checks every 60 days

Notre Dame Talk (Jeremy F)
-sufia extraction of the models and to give a set of reusable components to build from that
-so if you want to build something similar to a self-deposit system like ScholarSphere this extraction enables you to do that
-helps with transcoding and metadata extraction
-idea was to help separate the UI from the backend

Data Curation Experts (Mark B)
-showing some of the work they did with Tufts
-they had Fedora repository for a while with command line ingest system
-they worked on a UI for discovery and access, but only one person able to put files in the repo
-DCE helped them build an admin interface to ingest new files
-form for editing metadata hydra-editor can be adopted by others for similar behavior and easily changed

WGBH (Karen C. & Mark B.)
-2 current Hydra repos currently being developed
-one for preservation of the metadata and the digital files are stored in HSM
-managing large files and file formats
-heavily based on sufia engine
-one to streaming files public access (open vault)

BPL (Eben E. & Steven A.)
Public App
-building a repository for Digital Commonwealth (state wide group of libraries that might not have resources in some cases to have their own repository)
-ingest and management is a separate application from the access and discovery application.
-most of content is digital images so that drove decisions for UI in some cases
-users can create your own folders and add collections

Admin App
-started an omniauth gem to allow for different authentication providers
-allows administrators to ingest files and assign metadata lots of complexity around the metadata because of the number of institutions using the application

Northwestern (Steve D.)
-building Identity and Access Management for access to files
-user data is stored in many systems that makes this difficult to sync information to one system.
-building the NUL-IAM API to connect to these disparate sources and help create authZ decisions

Stanford (Jessie K.)
-trying to converge on a single display for applications that use Mods
-framework agnostic to display the mods metadata
-built a jQuery plugin, and Rails gem that provides a date range SVG selector in a gem that works with Blacklight and released for others to use


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