Thursday presentations and panels

Thursday presentations and panels

The titles on the presentation descriptions below are links to the slide packs where we have them.

All today's formal program takes place in the Knight center.

Breakfast (7:00 AM - 9:00 AM) - Anheuser-Busch Dining Room on the 3rd floor of the Knight Center

Refreshment breaks will take place in the Common Area on Floor 2 of the Knight Center

Quiet Space:  Knight Center Board Room (Floor 2)

Lunch:  Anheuser Busch Dinning Hall on Floor 3, additional seating in O’Donnell Lounge on Floor 2

Hack Space: Danforth University Center 233

Presentation Rooms:  

Track 1: Knight Center, Room 211

Track 2: Knight Center, Room 210

Track 3: Knight Center, Room 220

Track 4: Knight Center, Room 340

Google Share - Presentations and Group Notes

A Partner’s Perspective: Community before Code


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Managers

Carolyn Caizzi, David Schober

Northwestern University Libraries (NUL) became a Hydra Partner in early 2012. Over the past 7+ years, we produced bespoke applications locally using the Hydra/Samvera codebase, worked on many iterations of a stand-alone grant-funded Hydra/Samvera product with another Partner institution, contributed effort to the development of Hyrax, implemented Hyrax as a component in a larger repository ecosystem, and shifted our repository services to the cloud. As we have evolved, we have gone through many changes in our local culture, in our user needs, in our codebase, and with our talent. One of the organizational culture changes is the shift of NUL to a learning organization. This change has made us more risk tolerant than in the past. It has allowed NUL to solve its local need of large-scale fast ingestion and description using novel approaches and technologies (Elixir, AWS services, Lambdas, etc). This presentation will discuss how these organizational changes and approaches to technology projects made us privilege the value of Samvera as a community of shared values and ideas over its shared codebase.

Accessibility Audits & Upgrades in Samvera


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Design/UX people, Developers

Kevin Kochanski

Federal law requires a standard of accessibility on any project that receives federal funds. Creating accessible applications is also socially responsible, and implementing these practices can help us set better expectations as community leaders. In a community dedicated to preservation and providing access to to a broad range of assets, accessibility standards should be a priority. We'll explain audits and certification levels, as well as accessibility features that could provide significant value to digital repositories. Using Hyku as an example, a developer will demonstrate practices that are easy to incorporate into the dev process, as well as demo practical examples.

Agile Software Development and Scrum for Non Developers


Of particular interest to: All

Kelly Chess

Agile is an approach to software development that emphasizes team collaboration, continual planning, continual learning, and incremental delivery versus delivering everything at the end, perfectly and all at once. This talk aims to give a high level overview of Agile development and how the academic community could benefit from being more agile. We will cover the 4 core values and 12 principles upon which Agile was founded. We will also cover Agile's most widely used frameworks, Scrum, as a specific use case. We will go over Scrum's roles, events, artifacts, and the rules of how to play this highly collaborative game.

Avalon Media System: Community and Sustainability


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Developers, DevOps, Managers, Metadata people, Sysadmins

Jon Dunn, David Schober

Over the last two years, the Avalon Media System team at the libraries of Indiana University and Northwestern University has worked toward developing a model of sustainability for a large open source project as part of a grant funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). As the grant comes to a close, the Avalon team will review the efforts undertaken over the course of the two-year cycle, discussing the challenges faced by the Avalon team, as well as points of success. The Avalon team will reflect upon the experience and how opportunities provided by the grant to take on new technical changes to the system, develop code in partnership, work toward better integration with the the larger Samvera community, and develop a smaller, focused community of Avalon users and stakeholders all pointed us toward how Avalon will proceed in the years going forward. The presentation will focus on our path forward focusing on Avalon on Hyrax, new features in recent releases, additional new features being developed on the current code base, and the challenges of aligning complex projects.

Avalon Metadata in Hyrax: Letting the Hyrax In, Letting the Avalon Out


Of particular interest to: Developers, Metadata people, Newcomers

Juliet Hardesty

Join us for an update on Avalon metadata in Hyrax. The Avalon Media System is an open source system for managing and providing access to collections of digital audio and video. The project is led by the libraries of Indiana University Bloomington and Northwestern University and is funded in part by grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. We are working to incorporate Avalon descriptive, technical, and structural metadata into Hyrax, the open-source repository front end from the Samvera Community, creating an AudiovisualWork that can be added to Hyrax as a gem alongside other work types (like GenericWork and Image). We will share our progress so far, including mappings for bibliographic import functionality and how things look different between Avalon 6 and Avalon in Hyrax. Avalon in Hyrax will also be available as a standalone Hyrax application so we are both letting the Hyrax in and letting the Avalon out! Come see how these two critters are getting along!

Avalon Turnkey: Building a simple to install AWS-based Repository


Of particular interest to: Developers, DevOps, Sysadmins

Phuong Dinh, David Schober

Over the last few years the Avalon team has noticed a trend of institutions with small to mid-sized multimedia collections wanting to stand up production instances of Avalon. The Samvera stack can be complicated to run and maintain, even more so when you add transcoding and streaming to the mix. With more institutions looking toward cloud deployments, the Avalon team saw an opportunity to greatly simplify production install for less demanding collections. This presentation will walk through Avalon's new Docker-based turnkey solution provisioned using Terraform and utilizing AWS services such as Elastic Transcoder and S3. The end result is a "starter" kit that allows straight forward vertical scaling while an institution is getting familiar with the stack and growing its multi-media repository.

Bridging the Gap: Successful Collaboration with External Development Teams


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Developers, Managers, Newcomers

Kevin Kochanski

Organizations seeking Samvera solutions may have an internal development team, yet find they require external supplemental developers due to internal resource limitations or to bridge a specific technical knowledge gap. Collaborating among divided internal/external teams can be be a productive way of reaching goals within committed timelines, but also has its challenges. We present case studies of Samvera projects that utilized external development resources, highlighting the effects on productivity and budget. We'll also share advice on ways to effectively integrate and maximize a partnership with external developers, including the benefits of their unique experience. Discussion will include effective collaboration tools and other tips to ensure a successful implementation.

Case Study: NU’s Experience with a HEAR Stack (Hyrax, Elasticsearch, AWS and React) after a Year in Production


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Design/UX people, Developers, Managers

Adam Arling, Karen Shaw

We’ll lead a birds eye view walkthrough on how Northwestern’s Repository and Digital Curation Department combined Hyrax, Elasticsearch, AWS, and ReactJS into a system for ingesting and presenting content.  What worked?  What didn’t?  Where does HEAR go now?

Collaborative Research Data Repository with Hyrax


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Design/UX people, Developers, Managers

Nabeela Jaffer, Jim Halliday

The University of Michigan and Indiana University collaboration on the development of a research data repository application based on Hyrax, started back in November, 2018. The shared repo, “chimera”, is on samvera-labs GitHub. We will be sharing the progress of the collaborative work so far, and what’s to come in the near future!

Community approaches to bulk import and export


Of particular interest to: Developers, Managers, Metadata people

Julie Allinson, Mark Bussey

Many institutions need to import, export, and migrate data in bulk, and the ability to do this easily should be a fundamental service offered by any repository. For Hyrax, there are a range of home-grown and community solutions focused on specific use cases but there are no easily reusable community solutions. That’s starting to change and we’d like to talk about our specific experience building ‘Bulkrax’ and ‘Zizia’, two bulk import-export engines for Hyrax. This talk will outline the current status of our two projects, covering the design and approach taken, alongside features such as OAI-PMH import, and CSV import and export. We'll also talk about where Bulkrax and Zizia are going in the near future. We’ll show how each can be adopted, configured, and extended to meet local use cases, and how these projects are meeting the requirements set out by 2018’s ‘Batch Import-Export Working Group’. We’ll also discuss how best to move forward as a community around this issue: This will mean developing not only software but also shared community practice for managing the flow of bulk metadata from legacy systems and digitization projects into Samvera repositories.

Consortial Hyku for Open Educational Resources


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Design/UX people, Managers, Metadata people,  Newcomers

Gretchen Gueguen

This presentation will explore the development of Hyku for Open Educational Resources — openly licensed educational materials such as textbooks, quizzes, classroom activities, etc. — while capitalizing on Hyku's multi-tenancy and sharing of infrastructure across two large groups of libraries. The PALCI and PALNI consortia (representing libraries in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, West Virginia and Indiana) have just received a two year IMLS National Leadership Grant to develop Hyku into a multi-tenant, consortia-based service capable of handling OER in addition to other institutional repository resource types. In addition to leveraging collective expertise through consortia, two new work types are being developed for OER and electronic thesis and dissertations. This presentation will focus on the first work type being developed for OER , describing the features and uses of these resources, how the new work type model is being developed, and examine why Hyku and the Open Source Software community is a great home for this project.

Creating a new Carolina Digital Repository: customizations and change


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Developers, Newcomers

Rebekah Kati, Jennifer Smith

In June 2019, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University Libraries Software Development and Repository Services departments launched the new Carolina Digital Repository (CDR) platform, built on Hyrax. The new repository houses scholarly materials in support of UNC’s Open Access policy and supports many existing workflows and use cases such as student papers, OA books, and datasets. In this presentation we will describe existing and new use cases and show how we customized Hyrax to meet those needs. We will also share lessons learned and future plans for the CDR.

Creating a Vision for Samvera


Of particular interest to: All

Carolyn Caizzi, Hannah Frost

As Samvera had undergone a shift it its governance over the past 2 years, Samvera Steering wanted to ask Partners to contribute to the creation of a vision for Samvera’s future. The visioning exercise was conducted in April 2019 at the Samvera Partners meeting, involved over 30 community members, and was facilitated by Hannah Frost and Carolyn Caizzi. This presentation will update the community about the process used, the outputs of the exercise, and about any ongoing work to further hone the vision of Samvera’s future.

Distributed Digital Preservation with Samvera: the One-to-Many Grant


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Managers, Metadata people

Tom Johnson

The One-to-Many (OtM) Grant, funded by the Mellon Foundation, is working to provide a model for how local repositories, like Hyrax, interact with Distributed Digital Preservation (DDP) services (i.e., Chronopolis, AP Trust, LOCKSS, etc).

This presentation will offer an overview of the grant's goals, an update on the specifications under development, and a call to action for implementation.

Earning your Wings: an update on Hyrax & Valkyrie


Of particular interest to: All

Tom Johnson

Wings, the project to move Hyrax to Valkyrie, has been underway for most of this year. What does this transition mean for your existing Hyrax application? How should you account for it in your future planning? How can you take advantage of this work today?

This presentation will address these questions for a general community audience.

ESS Images: Collaboratively Improving Management of Digital Collections Using Hyrax


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Developers, Managers, Metadata people

James Halliday, Nick Homenda

Since 2014, partners from Indiana University Bloomington (IUB) and Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Libraries have been collaboratively developing new Samvera-based software to manage and deliver page turning digital objects. In 2018, conversations with Enterprise Scholarly Systems (ESS), a partnership between IUB Libraries, IUPUI Libraries, and University Information Technology Services (UITS), expanded our project's scope. This presentation will highlight our development efforts, now known as the ESS Images project or ESSI.

In the past year, the ESSI team has developed numerous improvements to the Hyrax digital repository software. These improvements include the ability to order, structure, and label pages within an item, replicating features available in the Pages Online service launched in 2017. Additionally, the project has implemented optical character recognition search in a community-accepted way, building upon components of the IMLS-funded Samvera Newspaper Works application.

We will also discuss upcoming improvements for our existing image collections. In these collections, images often have wildly different metadata profiles from each other. Our recent work has aimed to incorporate a model for flexible metadata developed by the Samvera Machine-readable Metadata Modeling Specification (M3) Working Group within Hyrax. We will be discussing the output of this work as well.

How Meta is your Metadata? : Designing a Meta-Metadata Specification for Hyrax


Of particular interest to: Developers, Metadata people

Julie Allinson, Arwen Hutt

As most Hyrax adopters know, Hyrax offers a basic set of metadata properties that it assigns to each new work type. Most adopters will extend that set, to a greater or lesser degree, adding new properties, defining vocabularies and terms lists, and setting other constraints and requirements. Adding new metadata is a complicated process in Hyrax, and there are various ways in which developers have worked to streamline things (eg. scooby snacks, dog biscuits and archetypes).
But before we even get to customising a Hyrax application, metadata librarians and developers must collaborate on specifying the metadata requirements. With no community machine-readable approach to defining those requirements, misunderstandings are common, and can be costly. With a machine-readable specification for metadata, metadata librarians could accurately specify requirements and developers could validate and codify those into applications.
That’s where the Machine-readable Metadata Modeling Specification (M3) steps in. The specification is the output of the M3 Working Group and is nearing its version 1.0 release. This presentation will provide a walkthrough of the specification, show how to construct and validate a new M3 profile, and illustrate the benefits of M3 for both metadata specialists and developers.

It's 2019, do you know where your metadata is? Oregon Digital and the Joys of Migrating...Again


Of particular interest to: Developers, Metadata people

Linda Sato, Cara Key, Greg Ramirez and Ryan Wick

Although it feels like we just migrated from CONTENTdm to Hydra/Fedora 3, it's time to adjust course back to Hyrax! Oregon Digital's Metadata Team will talk about strategies and challenges with metadata preparation, remediation before migration begins and mapping updates. The Migration Team will talk about the gem we're building, hyrax-migrator, to allow us to migrate over 465,000 assets (files and metadata). We’ll cover the design and implementation of the gem which supports migrating assets both locally (for dev and testing) and remotely (for production, on AWS S3), and share our progress with a batch of about 1000 ‘seed data’ assets, as well as our goals for scaling up in the coming months.

Laying down the Tracks - Project Surfliner


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Developers, DevOps, Managers, Metedata people, Newcomers, Sysadmins

Jessica Hilt, Chrissy Rissmeyer, Tim Marconi, Tom Johnson

In November 2018, UC San Diego, and UC Santa Barbara, kicked off Project Surfliner, an experimental project to collaboratively define, create, and maintain digital library products. Project Surfliner is more than shared code, or even shared objectives. The project is the collaboration effort. It is building and leveraging the strengths, experiences, and resources of each campus partner to focus on shared concepts and products. Join us to learn about what we have accomplished and how the first eleven months of the journey have been.

Let’s build one repo for data and documents with Hyrax


Of particular interest to: Administrators, DevOps, Developers, Managers, Metadata people, Sysadmins

Martha Stuit, Nabeela Jaffer, Jose Blanco

This presentation will cover the initial work to move the University of Michigan’s Deep Blue Documents repository from DSpace to Hyrax on Samvera and also merge it with the U-M data repository, Deep Blue Data, which is already on Hyrax. Deep Blue contains more than 120,000 items and has been around on DSpace since 2006. The Deep Blue Data repository started in 2016. Presenters will discuss steps taken so far to migrate and merge the repositories, including creating a minimum viable product (MVP) list, testing migration, addressing challenges so far, collaborating between IT and service providers, and determining next steps.

Making Good Decisions: Taking a Hyrax Application From Development to Production


Of particular interest to: Developers, DevOps, Sysadmins

Sadie Roosa, Jason Corum, Andrew Myers, Henry Neels, and perhaps others

As a Hyrax application developer, setting up a development environment is well documented within the community. Simply go through the Github README, install the prerequisites, and the development environment is practically ready to roll. Setting up a Hyrax production environment? Now, that’s a different story. Once an application is ready for production, there are a number of important decision points and configuration options that are less well documented within the community. This session will highlight some of those configuration options and include a discussion about how we can move forward, as a community, in communicating, sharing, and documenting how the characteristics of a repository should be considered before setting up a Hyrax production environment.

Managing Programs and Technology Teams for Samvera Based Initiatives


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Managers, Newcomers

Doug Goans, Cari Lovins

This session will provide an overview of the strategies and tactics being used at Emory University Libraries for planning and management of Samvera based initiatives. An overview of our approaches to project, product, and system management will be presented with a focus on resource strategy related to people, teams and roles. An emphasis on new hires and leadership roles will be presented as well as the challenges faced when implementing new technologies, providing support for legacy systems and managing teams. We intend for the session to be an opportunity for attendees to also share their experiences and challenges in the areas of leadership and management.

Michigan's Repository Technology Plans


Of particular interest to: All

John Weise

This presentation will be a high level overview of the University of Michigan Library's plans for repository technology development. Themes, principles, and plans will be shared. We are continuously challenged to expand our capabilities and extend our reach to match the rapid evolution of research and scholarship in the digital age. We have seen unprecedented rates of content growth in recent years as our campus partners have also advanced in the digital realm. It is no longer just about texts and images. Research data, audio, moving images, and all kinds of complex born-digital materials like enhanced e-books have entered into the scene. The Library has very intentionally placed itself in the center of campus activities for more than two decades. We aspire now, as much as ever, to provide innovative solutions for this unique set of circumstances and uphold our commitments far into the future. We are building next generation infrastructure for digital preservation and access that is adaptable, scalable and sustainable as the needs of campus continue to change.

Mindful Coding


Of particular interest to: Developers

Glen Horton

Does writing or reviewing code make you stressed, fatigued, or anxious? In this session Glen will share the mindful approach he takes to writing and reviewing code at the University of Cincinnati Libraries. Mindfulness has been used to reduce stress and increase the quality of people's lives and it can be used during software development as well. Learn how being present in the moment, focusing, and empathizing with users can lead to a better product and actually be therapeutic for the developer.

NewspaperWorks: It's How Samvera Does Newspapers


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Developers, Managers, Newcomers

Eben English, Brian McBride, Jacob Reed, Sean Upton

This presentation will provide an overview of NewspaperWorks, a plugin for Hyrax-based repository applications that provides custom ingest, management, and display functionality for digitized newspaper content. NewspaperWorks can be used to add newspapers to an existing repository, or to create a stand-alone bespoke newspaper content interface. We will cover the major features of this gem, including automated ingest of NDNP batches and PDF issues; newspaper-specific metadata modules; full-text search and highlighting; calendar-based browsing; advanced search, and more. In addition, a brief demonstration of the installation and setup process will be provided. This talk will also discuss plans for future development and how to build a community of users and contributors for the project.

Outcomes of the Bridge2Hyku Project: A full migration toolkit from ContentDM to Hyrax/Hyku


Of particular interest to: All

Sean Watkins, Anne Washington

This presentation highlights the tools and documentation created by the Bridge2Hyku team during the 2-year IMLS leadership grant. From the desktop application, CDMBridge, which exports out of contentDM to the import gem, HyBridge, that will be available as a feature within a future release of Hyku. We will also share our project partner migration stories and discuss the knowledge we’ve gleaned through leading 3 migration workshops and spending an inordinate amount of time thinking about migration best practices.

Questioning Authority: Connecting to Authorities through Linked Data


Of particular interest to: Developers, DevOps, Managers, Metadata people, Newcomers, Sysadmins

E. Lynette Rayle

Questioning authority is a Samvera developed gem that provides a standard way of accessing external authority controlled vocabularies. As part of the Mellon Foundation-funded Linked Data for Production (LD4P) project, this gem was expanded to include a module for general processing of authorities that provide linked data regardless of ontology. This module leverages the existing normalized data format of QA and expands it to include extended context allowing for more accurate selections. Also part of this work was the development of QaServer which is an engine from which you can build a standalone Rails app acting as a service point for submitting queries to QA. The QaServer includes a management UI to explore the availability of authorities and the performance of requests.

We will look at recent enhancements to QA, the QaServer UI, a caching system for linked data authorities without an API, metadata entry using extended context, and how we’ve leveraged linked data in some of our user facing applications.

Redesigning BrowseEverything


Of particular interest to: Design/UX people, Developers

James Griffin, Randall Floyd, Thomas Scherz, Christina Chortaria

BrowseEverything is a Gem which provides developers with an API and a set of user interface components for uploading files from cloud storage services and Samvera repository applications. As a core component, this Gem is actively maintained by members of the Samvera Community, and within the past year has had an interest group chartered in order to provide some set of guidance around its continued use and development.

While previous releases of BrowseEverything have proven to be robust and sufficient in providing file upload functionality to Samvera applications (most notably, various releases of Hyrax), there exist a number of architectural changes for the codebase which have long been considered necessary in order to improve the user experience provided by the user interface components for the Gem. These will include standardizing the API in order to facilitate those who wish to develop additional drivers for currently unsupported cloud storage solutions.

This presentation aims to outline the future proposed changes to the Gem itself, as well as to demonstrate the upcoming design changes for the user interface components. Insight and direction from attendees will be welcome, as we invite all interested parties in shaping the roadmap for this Gem.

Roadmap Council report


Of particular interest to: All

Members of the Roadmap Council

The Roadmap Council will report back on work that it has been undertaking and outline its plans for work going forward.

Samvera Stack Overview


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Developers, Newcomers

JP Engstrom

Samvera can be a daunting stack for newcomers. This presentation is designed to give developers and community members the common definitions and descriptions of the Samvera stack at the application and framework level. Framework topics include discussions around Rails, Sidekiq, Data Stores, Fedora, Solr, Blacklight, etc. While application level topics include discussions around Avalon, Hyrax, Hyku, etc. At the end of the presentation, attendees will have a greater understanding of Samvera's components and how they interact and come together to create a Samvera application.

Sustaining a Large-Scale Repository Architecture: Behind the Scenes of the Stanford Digital Repository


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Developers, Managers, Newcomers

Mike Giarlo, Justin Coyne

In 2006, Stanford Libraries built the Stanford Digital Repository (SDR). The system has served us well—thirteen years later, SDR contains over 2.0 million objects (~500 terabytes of content). We built SDR using open-source software (including Samvera, Fedora, and Blacklight) and an additional ~300,000 lines of custom code. We believe it is among the largest and most complex repository systems in research libraries, and yet the challenges we face are common.

We have grown SDR to a point where it is extremely difficult for us to sustain. Some of our foundational technologies are not only aging but are beyond end-of-life. Meanwhile, we are challenged to continue offering a valuable, performant, highly-available repository service to our stakeholders. Over the past two years, we have analyzed the factors complicating sustainability; that work has led to operational changes that improve the current state and a plan for sustaining repository development combining open-source and custom software.

Our presentation highlights the reasons SDR became unsustainable and shares areas where we have made improvements and where we go next. We believe the lessons we have learned are widely applicable to institutions that develop their own repository solutions.

Troubleshooting Common Hyrax Gotchas


Of particular interest to: Developers

Benjamin Kiah Stroud

A junior Rails developer presents troubleshooting tips and tricks geared towards developers who are new to the Hyrax stack. When I first started development work on Hyrax projects about a year ago, I felt completely overwhelmed. There were so many more moving parts compared to the Rails applications I had worked on previously that wrapping my head around everything took time. Fast-forward a year and, through trial and error, I’ve become one of the main developers responsible for bringing new hires up to speed on the basics of Hyrax at my company. To assist with this, I’ve compiled a list of troubleshooting “gotchas” that I’ve encountered across a handful of Hyrax applications to familiarize new developers with the engine as well as minimize the amount of time spent on errors. Whether it’s trying to customize elements that come directly from Hyrax or hunting down Missing Translation errors, this is a list of tips, tricks, and strategies that I wish I had known when I first started working with the Hyrax stack.

UI Components in Avalon Overview: ReactJS Q & A


Of particular interest to: Design/UX people, Developers, Managers, Newcomers

Adam Arling

Over the past year the Avalon Media System project has begun integrating JavaScript UI components into its Rails application.  We’ll show some general architecture patterns for where, why and how, showing live components in use.   We’ll also leave plenty of time for any questions or discussions on ReactJS in general; best practices, why React?, how to test, how to get started, etc.  Open questions/discussion definitely welcome.

We Built a Repository! A Migration Case Study at a Small(er) Liberal Arts College


Of particular interest to: Administrators, Developers, Managers, Newcomers

Nora Egloff, Adam Malantonio

This session will present a case study of Lafayette College’s repository migration project. We will share our experience modeling, developing, and migrating to a custom Hyrax implementation with a lightweight team of one librarian and one developer working within a small liberal arts college context. The first phase of this migration project centered on text-based digital collections, including college newspapers, magazines, and faculty scholarly output, while future work will focus on migrating image collections into the repository.

What's in our backlogs?


Of particular interest to: Developers, Managers, Metadata people

Anna Headley

I will use Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques to analyze issue backlogs in applications from institutions throughout the community. I will apply a variety of techniques in an attempt to answer questions like:

What kinds of open issues do we have in general as a community?

  • Can I extract an interesting set of widely-desired features or widely-held use cases?
  • Can I identify connections that might lead to collaboration across institutions?

What solutions already exist that might advance open issues?

  • Can I link open issues in one backlog to merged PRs in another repository?

What have people been working on recently?

  • Can we characterize the full set of issues that have been closed over the past year?

What patterns of development do repositories follow?

  • Can we describe the life cycle of repository development by aligning issues based on their creation / completion dates relative to the initial commit?

These may or may not be the exact questions my talk will address, depending on the direction the project naturally takes. I will focus on applications in use or under development at institutions, as opposed to community-maintained engines and core gems. This talk will describe my process, results, and evaluate the success of the endeavor.

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