Boston June 2013 Attendees

Boston June 2013 Attendees

Tentative Roster (please note any special food needs/restrictions)

  1. Steven Anderson (BPL)
  2. Eben English (BPL)
  3. Karen Cariani (WGBH)
  4. Dave MacCarn (WGBH)
  5. Richard Green (Hull) (+1 person for WGBH tour - agreed with Karen)
  6. Mike Friscia (Yale)
  7. Robin Ruggaber (UVa)
  8. Ray Lubinsky (UVa)
  9. Justin Coyne (DCE)
  10. Mark Bussey (DCE)
  11. Matt Zumwalt (DCE)
  12. Alicia Cozine (DCE)
  13. Rick Johnson (ND)
  14. Jeremy Friesen (ND)
  15. Steven Villereal (UVa) (Tu/W only)
  16. Andrew Curley (UVa)
  17. Dan Coughlin (Penn State)
  18. Chris Colvard (IU) - vegetarian
  19. Will Cowan (IU)
  20. Ed Fay (LSE) - vegetarian/pescetarian
  21. Tom Cramer (Stanford)
  22. Steve DiDomenico (NU) - lactose intolerant (please no heavy cream, milk, cheese. I can pull cheese off of sandwiches.)
  23. Chris Beer (Stanford)
  24. Bess Sadler (Stanford)
  25. Jonathan Markow (DuraSpace) - I have a weakness for chocolate
  26. Jessie Keck (Stanford) (Tue/Wed Only)
  27. David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
  28. Roger Zender (Case Western Reserve University)

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