Hydra Time-Based Media Working Session 2013-06-06
Hydra Time-Based Media Working Session 2013-06-06
What parts of Hydra Media functionality could be abstracted / extracted / gemified / etc. in such a was as to make them easier to use across heads / implementations / institutions?
ANSWER: see below, but build a viewer abstraction first...
- Honor access rights
- Delivery/Streaming
- Viewer abstraction **** (do this first)
- give options for playback
- make synced transcripts easy to provide
- pluggability
- Real-time (delivery) transcoding negotiation * has server and infrastructure implications
- Gallery view
- Segmented discovery
- Transcript (time encoded)
- Navigate composite works (opera) by segments (act/scene)
- Embeddable player for external sites (with auth wrapping)
- User selected clips
- User selects start and end times within asset
- for playback / embedding in same and external sites
- for requesting uncompressed clips of original datastream
- Temporary handles (one-time-links, 30-day links, i.e. link with expiration, lease, reverse embargo)
- Lease (reverse embargo / expiration) w/graceful behavior (not necessarily just for video)
- Transcoding / Derivatives / Pre-segmentation
- Characterization
- Metadata Curation
- Rights (license) management
- Access (managment and visibility) management
- Index transcripts / translations
- Lease (reverse embargo / expiration) w/graceful behavior