Samvera Newcomers Weekly Call (2018-04-25)
Samvera Newcomers Weekly Call (2018-04-25)
How to connect: https://psu.zoom.us/j/613720745 (link will launch Zoom client – if you do not have Zoom, expand the instructions below)
Time: 10:30am - 10:59am CDT
Moderator: Kevin Musiorski
Notetaker: Kevin Musiorski
- Kevin Musiorski (AIC)
- Marcus Barnes (UTSC)
- Jane Sandberg, Linn-Benton Community College (LBCC) – uses Hyrax
Anyone having connection issues? Can everyone hear the moderator?
Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present (moderator)
folks outside North and South America
Eastern timezone
Central timezone
Mountain timezone
Pacific timezone
folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
- Welcome all newcomers!
- Agenda (moderator)
- Call for new agenda items (moderator)
- share mission of the new group
- develop a format/flow for the call and agenda in general
- chat! - what questions do participants have?
- friendly reminder, we must be done by end of hour, as Weekly Tech Call will be starting at 4:00PM UTC
- Notetaker and moderator for next time
- Notes:
- Moderate:
- After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call.
Ideas for future sessions:
- Introduction to a particular component or feature, which could then be recorded and shared out to training departments, community, as documentation
- Upgrading 2.0 to 2.1 as a topic for next week
- 30 minutes is good, but it's also valuable to be flexible depending on content, interest