Samvera Tech Call 2018-11-14

Samvera Tech Call 2018-11-14

How to connect: https://psu.zoom.us/j/613720745 (link will launch Zoom client – if you do not have Zoom, expand the instructions below)

 Click to view telephone/H.323/SIP connection instructions


Meeting ID: 613 720 745

+1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)
+1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)
+1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
International numbers available: https://psu.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=UZ_PRwQ56TNX1pDIsdDInAu8XPVqzlX3


Meeting ID: 613 720 745 (US West) (US East) (China) (India) (EMEA) (Australia) (Hong Kong) (Brazil) (Canada)

SIP: 613720745@zoomcrc.com

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Moderator: Andrew Myers

Notetaker: James Griffin



  1. Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present (moderator)

    1. folks outside North and South America

    2. Eastern timezone

    3. Central timezone

    4. Mountain timezone

    5. Pacific timezone

    6. folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call

    7. Remind everyone to sign in on agenda.
    8. Welcome all newcomers!
  2. Agenda (moderator)
    1. Call for new agenda items (moderator)
    2. Product Owner for the LDP Gem (Randall Floyd)
    3. Hyrax 3.0.0 Release Plan (tamsin wooSteve Van Tuyl)
    4. Hyrax Resourcing "Ask" (Steve Van Tuyl)
    5. QA 2.2 Release this week (Lynette Rayle )
      1. tweaks to getty queries for efficiency and improved results
      2. fetching a term using the linked data model can optionally return jsonld
      3. a few additions to the linked data API calls including the ability to list loaded authorities, reload authorities on the fly (no server restart), fetch a term passing URI as a parameter instead of being part of the path
  3. Moderator & notetaker for next time
    1. Moderator: Jim Coble
    2. Notetaker: James Griffin
  4. After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call:
    1. Open template agenda titled "Samvera Tech Call 2018-xx-xx"

    2. Click on ... in the top right corner, and select copy.
    3. Popup will open for location. It should contain: 
      1. Space: Samvera
      2. Parent page: 2018
    4. Select copy. New page should be created.
    5. Modify the title to remove "copy of", update it with the next date, add moderator, notetaker, and any carry-over agenda info. Click Publish.
  5. PR Review (Julie Allinson)
    1. Review PRs deemed priority from any Samvera project.
    2. Review Hyrax PRs, sorted by 'Least recently updated' and filter out any that don't need to be considered.
    3. Next Facilitator: 


Product Owner for LDP (Additional Agenda Item)

  • Randall Floyd has volunteered to serve as the product owner as the current product owner is leaving the community
    • How should they get the proper permissions transferred over?
    • Which accounts should they be aware of?
  • Tom: Core Component Maintenance Working Group will be addressing this
    • Note that this is the first case where the CCMWG will be defining a procedure for transferring the ownership of a component

Hyrax 3.0.0 Release Please (Tom and Steve)


  • Tom:
    • Merged breaking changes into master on Monday
    • Tom is working on documentation side of beta release
    • Right now, deployed to Nurax and undergoing testing
    • Expected to go through the testing process for 2.0 and 2.1 releases
    • At some point (end of the month?), a release candidate should be expected
      • Hopefully, testing won't block a new release
    • "2.x-stable" branch is now the front line for 2.x releases
      • Backporting is being undertaken where it is appropriate
      • Please advocate for backporting any additional needed bug fixes
  • Steve:
    • Message out on samvera-tech Google Groups outlining how to get involved in facilitating the release
  • Drew:
    • Note that this the first major release following some improvements to the process

Hyrax Resourcing (Steve)

Hyrax Resourcing - 2019

  • "Ask" request has been issued to provide a consolidated request for community resources for engaging the Hyrax Roadmap
  • This is now publicly accessible
  • Institutions are expected to respond to the request by end of first week in December
    • This should lead to teams be formed in order to begin following the Roadmap

Questioning Authority (Lynette)

  • All of the commits are in which are going to be a part of the 2.2 release
    • All are backward compatible
  • The following changes have been introduced:
    • Tweaks to the Getty queries by Michael Klein and Julie Allinson
    • Extending the behavior of the LinkedData Module
      • Adopters now have the option to return JSON-LD encoding
    • Additional API calls have been implemented
  • Lynette hopes to complete the release process by the end of this week

11/21/18 Meeting

  • Moderator: Jim Coble
  • Notetaker: James Griffin

Meeting adjourned at 12:15 EST

Moderating PR Review for Hyrax: Julie Allinson