Samvera Tech Call 2018-07-18
Samvera Tech Call 2018-07-18
How to connect: https://psu.zoom.us/j/613720745 (link will launch Zoom client – if you do not have Zoom, expand the instructions below)
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Moderator: Kevin Musiorski
Notetaker: Jim Coble
- Lynette Rayle (Cornell)
- Glen Horton (Cincinnati)
- Steve Van Tuyl (oreogn state uni)
- Chris Colvard (Deactivated) (Indiana University)
- Anna Malantonio (Lafayette College)
- tamsin woo (Data Curation Experts)
- Collin Brittle (Emory)
- Jim Coble (Duke)
- Kevin Musiorski (AIC)
- Yanru Bi (NLM)
Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present (moderator)
folks outside North and South America
Eastern timezone
Central timezone
Mountain timezone
Pacific timezone
folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
- Welcome all newcomers!
- Agenda (moderator)
- Call for new agenda items (moderator)
- The future of OM (Tom Johnson)
- Hyrax WG Update (Tom Johnson & Steve Van Tuyl)
- Sprinting now!
- Expect a release this week
- Heading toward Questioning Authority release (Lynette Rayle)
- QA dependency vulnerability - PR #167
- 3 other PRs to consider for inclusion - https://github.com/samvera/questioning_authority/pulls
- Notetaker and moderator for next time
- Notes:
- Moderate:
- After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call.
2b. The future of OM (Tom Johnson)
- Initially, no one stepped forward to serve as Product Owner for OM (Opinionated Metadata – https://github.com/samvera/om). A proposal was made to deprecate it. However, it is dependency for hydra-works and thus for Hyrax.
- There is a Product Owner for OM (Jon Cameron). Should we continue to move toward deprecation or find a way to drum up maintenance energy for it?
- There is a pull request for hydra-works to remove the OM dependency – https://github.com/samvera/hydra-works/pull/346 . Should this move forward?
- Do we know how much OM is still used in the wild?
- Next steps
- Find a viable alternative to OM.
- Have someone try out the alternative in an app in uses OM.
- Document the migration path from OM to the alternative.
- Will keep on agenda for next time.
- Chris Colvard (Deactivated) will talk to Jon Cameron (the OM Product Owner) about this.
2c. Hyrax Working Group update (steve and Tom)
- Hyrax Working Group is group of developers working on maintenance and features for Hyrax. In their first sprint. Expect to make a release at the end of the week.
- Current sprint has been mostly open-ended. Next sprint will focus on accessibility issues.
- Slack channel for the working group: #hyrax-wg .
2d. Heading toward Questioning Authority release (Lynette Rayle)
- Lynette has some pending QA PR's that she would like to get reviewed so she can make a new release. One of them – https://github.com/samvera/questioning_authority/pull/167– addresses a security vulnerability.
- justin also has a pending QA PR that with failing tests. Lynette Rayle will reach out to him about whether it should be included in the release.
- Kevin Musiorski will finish up his review of https://github.com/samvera/questioning_authority/pull/167 today.
3. Next time:
- Moderator: Kevin Musiorski
- Notes: tamsin woo
, multiple selections available,