Rights Subgroup 2015-05-20
Rights Subgroup 2015-05-20
- Esme Cowles, chair (UC San Diego)
- Nick Ruest
- matienzo
- Sharon Farnel
- Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her)
- Justin Simpson
- kestlund
- Call for agenda items
- Review outstanding questions from 5/6/15 meeting:
- Rights Metadata Working Group#OutstandingQuestions
- Any feedback?
- Move forward with a proposed recommendation?
- Outstanding
- Do we need embargo + license at the same time
- ETD with CC license and embargo
- Could put CC license in dc:rights, and use copyright status to record base rights
- Implicit in CC that something is under copyright
- Redaction could be done using access restriction
- Copyright status/jurisdiction
- Good way to handle the copyright baseline
- dc:rights vs. dc:license
- dc:license could be a good way to record licenses, but probably want to avoid duplicating dc:rights
- Core/Minimal recommendation, with recommended extensions
- copyright status/jurisdiction and dc:license are good extensions
- recommendations for notes for further comments
- archiveshub:useRestrictions
- used by OregonDigital
- has a ArchivalResource domain, so maybe too restrictive
- could use edm:rights for main rights statement, and dc:rights for free text notes/restrictions
- or dcterms:rights for rights statement and dces:rights for free text
- Do we need embargo + license at the same time
, multiple selections available,