Rights Subgroup 2015-06-03

Rights Subgroup 2015-06-03



  1. Call for agenda items
  2. Rights statement vs. additional rights info
    1. dcterms:rights vs. dc:rights
    2. edm:rights vs. dc:rights
    3. dcterms:rights vs. archiveshub:useRestrictions
  3. Embargo/Lease
    1. dcterms:accessRights
    2. hydrarights:embargoReleaseDate/hydrarights:leaseExpirationDate?

  4. Facilitator for next meetings (6/17 and 7/1)



  • Rights statements vs. additional rights info
    • dct:rights v. dces:rights - could be confusing, but they do declare different ranges, etc.
    • DPLA: edm:rights for URIs, dc:rights for literals
      • Any reason we can't do this?
  • Embargo/Lease
    • Are we good with only having a single property?
    • Worried about override aspect, why not just have one property
    • We could create a sub-property of dcterms:accessRights that is an rightsOverride
      • And a property for the expiration date
  • Action: Esme will create a PCDM extension ontology for rightsOverride and rightsOverrideExpiration.