Esme: is there a property on the rights URI that links to the WebACL policy?
This may be an overlap with the Applied Linked Data group
Karen: If there is a generic restriction, then look at the restriction for determining the access
Lisa: Currently using a lower-tech approach (CopyrightMD), but interested in adopting this approach
Access control is something else
Rights metadata probably tells you which access control policy to use, and hopefully this can be automated. But ultimately, rights tells you what the intellectual property status of something is, and access control metadata (e.g., WebACL, XACML) enforces access policies.
Two sides of the same coin.
Single-predicate to single-URI
property: dc:rights or edm:rights
vocab for URIs: Creative Commons, (forthcoming), Europeana
More complicated rights statements/scenarios
embargo/license (using Hydra Access Controls predicates? other preds?)
Esme: This is a common scenario and is currently using custom Hydra predicates.
Esme: Currently using PREMIS-inspired schema, would like to adopt simpler approach, but keep some of the PREMIS info as documentation of the simple decision
geographic limits (campus, country, other?)
metadata only
click-through notice/warning
statute (HIPPAA/FERPA)?
Supporting metadata
Basic fields
rights holder
copyright status
copyright jurisdiction
rights notes/display text/boilerplate
Oregon Digital Properties
dc:rights with creative commons and URIs