Committers Call 2014-08-04

Moderator: Adam Wead (Penn State)

Notetaker:  Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)


Sue Richeson ( UVA)

Jim Coble (Duke)

David Chandek-Stark  (Duke)

Carolyn Cole (PSU)

Chris Colvard (Indiana)

Glen Horton (Cincinnati)

Justin Coyne (DCE)

Trey Terrell (OSU)


  1. Progress towards Hydra & Sufia on Fedora 4 (J.Coyne)
    1. DCE has coded out the Hydra and Sufia stack for Fedora 4
      1. A few test failing but progress is well
      2. Opportunities for coding
        1. Load instance_from_solr may not be needed and needs to be reimplemented
          1. Serialize from JSON and stick into Fedora
          2. Instantiate only attributes that you register
          3. Replace with find
        2. LDP level - Linked Data Protocol
          1. Cacheing needs fixed.
          2. Optimization in fedora_lens/ldp
            1. etag mismatches in Fedora
            2. really slow because we aren't cacheing anything.
        3. SUFIA no longer needs to use datastreams.  Content and Metadata can be stored in Fedora 4
          1. This will be done with different NODES in Fedora 4
          2. Goal is to store metadata on object itself if you have RDF.
          3. Needs help removing datastreams from SUFIA code
    2. Repositories
      1. LDP (Cris Beer)
      2. Fedora Lens 
      3. ActiveFedora (Fedora4 Branch)
      4. Hydra-Derivates (Fedora4 Branch)
      5. Hydra-Collections (Fedora4 Branch)
  2. Hydra 7.1 (C. Colvard )
    1. currently merged into master
    2. Only minor concerns
      1. May introduce more deprecation warnings in later versions
      2. Is dependency on Hydra-Head 7.2 okay?  Yes.  Version differences are okay.
    3. Approved for release.
    4. Chris will work on getting this published to rubygems
  3. Next Call:
    1. 2014-08-11
    2. Moderator:  Jim Coble (Duke)
    3. Notetaker:   Chris Colvard (Indiana)