Committers Call 2014-08-04
Moderator: Adam Wead (Penn State)
Notetaker: Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)
Sue Richeson ( UVA)
Jim Coble (Duke)
David Chandek-Stark (Duke)
Carolyn Cole (PSU)
Chris Colvard (Indiana)
Glen Horton (Cincinnati)
Justin Coyne (DCE)
Trey Terrell (OSU)
- Progress towards Hydra & Sufia on Fedora 4 (J.Coyne)
- DCE has coded out the Hydra and Sufia stack for Fedora 4
- A few test failing but progress is well
- Opportunities for coding
- Load instance_from_solr may not be needed and needs to be reimplemented
- Serialize from JSON and stick into Fedora
- Instantiate only attributes that you register
- Replace with find
- LDP level - Linked Data Protocol
- Cacheing needs fixed.
- Optimization in fedora_lens/ldp
- etag mismatches in Fedora
- really slow because we aren't cacheing anything.
- SUFIA no longer needs to use datastreams. Content and Metadata can be stored in Fedora 4
- This will be done with different NODES in Fedora 4
- Goal is to store metadata on object itself if you have RDF.
- Needs help removing datastreams from SUFIA code
- Load instance_from_solr may not be needed and needs to be reimplemented
- Repositories
- LDP (Cris Beer)
- Fedora Lens
- ActiveFedora (Fedora4 Branch)
- Hydra-Derivates (Fedora4 Branch)
- Hydra-Collections (Fedora4 Branch)
- DCE has coded out the Hydra and Sufia stack for Fedora 4
- Hydra 7.1 (C. Colvard )
- currently merged into master
- Only minor concerns
- May introduce more deprecation warnings in later versions
- Is dependency on Hydra-Head 7.2 okay? Yes. Version differences are okay.
- Approved for release.
- Chris will work on getting this published to rubygems
- Next Call:
- 2014-08-11
- Moderator: Jim Coble (Duke)
- Notetaker: Chris Colvard (Indiana)