January 8, 2016
January 8, 2016
Dial: +1 (641) 715 3660
Access Code: 651025#
Facilitator: Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
Notetaker: Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)
Agenda & Notes
- Roll Call
- Attending
- newmanld (Cincinnati) X
- Rick Johnson (Notre Dame) X
- DeanK (Cornell) X
- Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)
- Sheila Rabun (University of Oregon) X
- Margaret Mellinger (Oregon Digital / Oregon State University) X
- matienzo (DPLA) X
- Matt Mcvey (Tufts) X
- Jeff Harder (Alberta) X
- Peter Bienkly (Alberta) X
- Jon Stroop Princeton X
- @steve anderson (BPL) X
Karen Cariani (WGBH) X
- Welcome New Folks : John Harder
- Call for Agenda Items : None
- Attending
- Next call
- Date: February 12th, 2016
- Facilitator: @steven anderson
- Notetaker: @margaret mellinger
- Hydra-in-a-Box project hydrainabox.org
- Progress on requirements gathering analysis
- Convening subgroups: data modeling; hydra direct service team; SaaS
- Technical advisory group meeting at Dev Congress
- Discuss items on Power Steering identified for discussion during Hydra Connect 2015
- (see https://waffle.io/projecthydra-labs/power-steering) / (see also https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/power-steering/issues), "Partner Calls"; not all items need be discussed this call; facilitator should determine based on time
- Develop framing around turn-key - What is needed?
- Organize developers congress
- Feb. 3-5, 2016 at UCSD; Update: February 2016 Developer Meeting Agenda is being created
- Michigan in May, 2016
- May 2-6th 2016; No update
- Hydra Camp with Pair programming / Intermediate Hydra Camp
- Teach more workshops - what is needed?
- Best practices working group - interest?
- Any other issues from Power Steering
- 17 issues in backlog-take a look and see what you'd like to discuss in the HP calls going forward.
- (see https://waffle.io/projecthydra-labs/power-steering) / (see also https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/power-steering/issues), "Partner Calls"; not all items need be discussed this call; facilitator should determine based on time
- Standing Community to-do's
- Reports back from meetings (if any): Hydra in a Box presentation at CNI was well received. In Feb call, can we get a report out about Hydra events scheduled for Code4Lib.
- Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
- Geo4LibCamp 2016 (Jan. 25-27, 2016): gem GeoConcerns will be worked on at this camp
- Hydra Connect 2016: Oct. 3-6, 2016; Sheraton rates have been negotiated.
- Other? No updates.
- Regional meetings
- Hydra Europe event in April. In discussion with Europeana for cohosting. Will update when there's more information.
- Linda adds that Karen Cariani has Organizing Regional Meetings in the wiki for guidelines for hosting regional meetings, and she and Karen (others welcome) are working on it.
- West coast meeting at Santa Barbara after Hydra Camp; any details about agenda?
- Training
- Hydra Camp - February 22-25, 2016 - UC Santa Barabara - https://hydracamp-ucsb-2016.eventbrite.com (check on attendance in next Feb call and whether it fills up, do we need a second?)
- Anyone willing to host a fall Hydra Camp? Reach out to Mark Bussey
- Call from Archivematica folks looking for resourcing for training - good community modeling. Thanks for everyone who has helped build Hydra Camps!
- Dive into Hydra, Dive Deeper into Hydra, & Blacklight opportunities at Code4Lib 2016
- Reports from Interest & Working Groups (Please post a 1-2 sentence note of your update before the meeting just in case someone can't make the call):
Samvera Archivists Interest Group
Samvera DevOps Interest Group
Samvera Digital Preservation Interest Group
Samvera User Experience Interest Group
Hydra Web Presence Working Group
Hydra Service Management Interest Group:
Sheila Rabun volunteered to organize the next phone call since we've been stalling.
Hydra Page Turner Interest Group (No longer active currently)
Samvera Metadata Interest Group
Samvera Applied Linked Data Interest Group (Discussion of LoC linked data usage limits, continued Linked Data Fragments work, and update on Solr excluding stored fields like full 100s of MB OCR text from its response).
MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup (OriginInfo and Language elements mapping currently being worked on)
Samvera Applied Linked Data Interest Group (Discussion of LoC linked data usage limits, continued Linked Data Fragments work, and update on Solr excluding stored fields like full 100s of MB OCR text from its response).
Samvera Time-based Media Interest Group : brief meeting at AMIA, Nov. 21 notes were posted.
Samvera Metrics Interest Group
- Fedora 3 to 4 Migration Interest Group.
Samvera Geospatial Interest Group. See Geo4Lib camp link above.
Samvera GIS Data Modeling Working Group
Sufia Documentation for Managers Working Group (SDMWG - "sdimwig") : draft documentation ready to review http://sufia.io/; please provide feedback. Steve Tuyl posted this message to community list so please respond via appropriate channels.
- Sufia UI Working Group
Hydra Triple Store Interest Group
Samvera Archivists Interest Group
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- (details not included in notes)
- (details not included in notes)
- Any other old or new business
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