Metadata Call 2022-07-26
Metadata Call 2022-07-26
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
Call-In Info: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Community Notes:
Moderator(s): Nora Z.
Notetaker: Nora Z.
Annamarie Klose, Ohio State University
Nora Zimmerman, Lafayette College
Julie Hardesty, Indiana University
Anna Goslen, UNC-Chapel Hill
Amanda Hurford, PALNI
Carl Piraneo, PALCI
Rob Kaufman, Softserv
Meredith Hale
Heather Greer Klein, Samvera
Roadmaps Alignment Group Update (Annamarie)
Have not met during the summer months; there has been Slack discussion about the Components Maintenance WG ( ) and about dependencies outside of the Hyrax code
Will meet in August
Discussion Topics
OAI-PMH support in Hyrax/Hyku documentation project
New wiki page started for information gathering: OAI Support in Hyrax
Has some examples currently from Duke and Oregon Digital.
There has been some “significant movement” in OAI within Hyku, including one in qualified Dublin Core, and one supporting MODS 3.5. Relied on the MODS to RDF Mapping Guide. Harvard has a Spotlight OAI importer that harvests OAI into Spotlight exhibits sites (Curiosity app). Rob (Notch8) wants to share this code back out to the community.
PALNI and PALCI have been talking a lot about OAI and improving OAI access for their users/implementers. Only the non-qualified Dublin Core is coming out in the OAI feed, it is an abbreviated version. They would really like to see the full metadata record made available.
DPLA and the discovery/catalog layer are both areas where people have a need for supporting OAI feeds
If possible, they would like each tenant to have a separate feed, and to be able to select which metadata fields to share.
The British Library are also eager to collaborate on this work, developing these specifications. They sponsored work around tenant-specific OAI-PMH feeds in Hyku, not clear that it is being utilized.
Goal would be to hopefully make OAI support in Hyrax/Hyku clear, and make it easy to set up out-of-the box
In ContentDM and DSpace, metadata fields are more easily configurable. The need for a developer to make changes to metadata application profiles is a Samvera complexity.
Notch8 is working on an AllinsonFlex implementation in a Hyrax 3.x application.
Notch8 tests OAI feeds by roundtripping it through Bulkrax in order to validate it.
Providing thumbnails along with the metadata in OAI for DPLA
Several people would like to see this out-of-the-box
OAI spec does not clearly specify where thumbnails should go; can infer the thumbnail from a URL string, it would be helpful for this to be explicit.
Expand wiki page to describe needs and user stories, such as work in progress at PALNI
There are not significant, meaningful differences between Hyrax and Hyku as far as how OAI-PMH would work with these systems
Open call for new SMIG co-facilitators
One year commitment, beginning after Samvera Connect in October
Facilitator responsibilities include:
Scheduling monthly meetings and preparing agendas
Commissioning working groups and specific initiatives as needed
Reporting to the community at Connect/Virtual Connect meetings, or sending a written update
Annamarie is interested, if Julie is able to take over as Roadmaps Alignment liaison.