Samvera Partner Call - May 11, 2018

Samvera Partner Call - May 11, 2018

Samvera Partners Call (May 2018)
Friday, May 11, 2018
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr 

Meeting number: 737 192 431 
Meeting password:h9cwrT45

Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com

Join by phone
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 737 192 431 

Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants. We've got a few strategies to help make this happen:

    1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

    2. We have officially adopted an Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers 

Facilitator: Chris Awre 

Note Taker: Mike Korcynski 


Event Recording:


  1. SGWG update - an update on ongoing activity (Ryan Steans)
    • Samvera Governance Working Group Update
    • Got the recommendations pulled together and ratified by unanimous vote of Partners who did vote.
    • Not bylaws or binding but just recommendations, but we're moving forward with them.
    • Transforming steering into an elected body over the next 3 years, beginning immediately. Taking nominations for 3 weeks currently.
    • If you have anyone you want to nominate, now is the time. Samvera wiki now has an elections page under the community area.
    • Will reach out to everyone because not everyone will know they were nominated.
    • Letters will go out to people who were nominated, explaining time and travel commitments.
    • Take a week after nominations, alert community, have a long 3 week election cycle. want to give everyone a good amount of time to vote.
    • Hope everyone takes the vote in the spirit in which it is intended, it is a ranked order vote.
    • Term on steering will start August 1.
    • Only allowing 1 nomination per institution
    • 1 ballot per partner institution.
    • Roadmap council being discussed.
      * currently, trying to decide how to break out membership.

  1. Open Repositories - to share what's happening re: Samvera at OR2018 and make plans re: promotion (Various - please chip in)
    • Avalon is presenting on a panel -- Avalon update about integrating community work, and WGBH.

    • WGBH is reporting on its Avalon project.

    • Notre Dame, WGBH, Penn State, Indiana talking about what its like to work in the Samvera community -- successes and challenges

    • Workshop on Intro to Samvera -- Mark Bussey, Robin, Karen Cariani

    • Esme presenting on Valkerie

    • Panel on Fedora's relationship to Samvera

    • Mark Bussey and DCE will have a table at OR and happy to act as a home for promotional materials the community would like to make available. Share with Mark by May 30th, he will print for you.

    • Brian McKnight from Utah will have some promotional materials for SamveraConnect available at OR.

  1. Samvera Marketing WG - to describe this new group and its role (Chris Awre)
    • See list email from earlier this week. Creating a WG in the next week or so.

    • If you know of anyone else interested in this side of Samvera, please do encourage them to sign up.

    • Aims of the WG is to consider what we may be able to do for OR, but also to work towards settings a set of marketing materials that can be used at Connect and beyond.

    • Target audience is members of the wider academic community and beyond. (New Users) Also, internal audiences within our own institutions, explaining what Samvera offers and why participation is worthwhile.

  1. Samvera Connect (virtual and physical) - an update on planning 
    • Meeting regularly, call for proposals is out. Amount of content will be limited given its only a 3 hour meeting but please submit ideas.
    • Date decision coming soon, looking at two dates depending on presenters.
    • Andrew -- continuing to meet regularly, call for workshops got good response. Been in touch with all submitters.
    • Workshops should be confirmed in 2 weeks.
    • Call for Panels after May 25th. Panels people would like to see, and those people would like to present.
    • Host committee met recently as well, reservations in place. Richard interested in seeing an announcement at OR for SC.
    • Registration should open in time for OR, without a full schedule yet.
    • Utah put together a local website for logistical matters with good information.
  1. OAI developments - an update from recent work at Hull (Anusha Ranganathan)
    • providing an OAI service for Hull, extension of Blacklight OAI Provider, built by Cottage Labs
    • Forked UNC libraries version.
    • Added features for filtering records.
    • developed a standalone OAI server based on Blacklight, not along with Hyrax.
    • extensions to Blacklight OAI provider will go back to the community.
  • Reminder: 
    •  Hyrax working group is ongoing looking to get that up and running shortly, have a good number of contributions but looking for another 1/2 - 1 FTE. All interest welcome.

Next Meeting: June 8th is during OR --Chris will email the partners list and propose we change date.

Facilitator: TBD pending date
Note Taker: TBD pending date

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