URI Management Call 2016-08-09
URI Management Call 2016-08-09
Connection Info:
3-4pm Eastern
+1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Notetaker: Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
- Mariana Paredes-Olea (University of Alberta)
- sanderson (Boston Public Library)
- James Griffin (Lafayette College Libraries)
- Don Brower (Notre Dame)
- Ryan Wick (Oregon Digital/Oregon State University Libraries)
- Sarah Seymore (University of Oregon)
- Functional Requirements doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G2LHArFRW-WdttH_YhNmAjf-Oe9EPZWSZQVap7lenQ8/edit?usp=sharing
- Edited in Functional Requirements doc
- Current PCDM ontologies are statically generated (http://pcdm.org)
- For next meeting (August 23, 3pm Eastern):
- Review rightsstatement.org RFP (https://dp.la/info/2015/09/18/rights-statements-rfp/)
- Add anything else out there that documents functional requirements for vocab manager
- Consider how to write up functional requirements (as end-user story or what we expect application to be able to do)
- Review development phases section