URI Management Call 2016-11-29
URI Management Call 2016-11-29
Connection Info:
3-4pm Eastern
+1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
Notetaker: Juliet Hardesty
- Ryan Wick's message on #metadata Slack (Nov. 21) - additional Hydra predicates used for webACL things: https://github.com/projecthydra/hydra-head/blob/master/hydra-access-controls/app/vocabularies/hydra/acl.rb
- related to embargo/lease/visibility - Hydra has extended WebACL with new properties
- need to be added to list as another use case
- Functional Requirements doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G2LHArFRW-WdttH_YhNmAjf-Oe9EPZWSZQVap7lenQ8/edit?usp=sharing
- Property example mock-ups (ss:arkivoChecksum and ss:importURL using Slash Recipe #5)
- index.html with complete RDF serialization: 2016-11-11.nt, 2016-11-11.jsonld, 2016-11-11.ttl
- Property HTML Files:
- usage example looks good, might have more than one example if there is a nuanced way to use predicate
- add usage example to predicate decision tree and make it required but understanding that it might need to be worked out with others
- use dcterms:description for Usage Example text, but keep it as it’s own field separated out visually on html; skos:example is also a possibility
- Descision: skos:example is Usage Example and we’ll require that
- Decision: dcterms:description for additional guidelines on use and that is optional
- importURL.html
- Property RDF Serialization:
- Australia National Data Service Project requirements and background info: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B57_4U1eo8d3aVVNYUY1SG1pS00
- advanced interface, like SPARQL viewer, could be helpful
- keep this resource around for later work/enhancements
- Hosting and Support with Hydra Steering
- emailed before US Thanksgiving holiday
- haven’t heard anything yet but they have a meeting coming up so it might be discussed there
- might need to take the hosting/support question to Hydra Partners
- Predicate Decision Tree review process for new predicates
- on agenda for HMIG meeting tomorrow but no discussion happening yet
- Need write-up to describe vocab manager - like white paper-ish type thing from Architecture Group
- bring all mock-ups together and research (if relevant) into one place - not too long but something that ties everything together for presenting
- Don Brower can help with this
- Next meeting Tuesday, Dec. 13
, multiple selections available,
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