URI Management Call 2016-09-20
URI Management Call 2016-09-20
Connection Info:
3-4pm Eastern
+1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025
- Juliet Hardesty (Indiana)
- sanderson (BPL)
- matienzo (DPLA/Stanford)
- Don Brower (Notre Dame)
- Predicate Decision Tree - feedback so far
- Questions about intended audience
- Use cases have originated from developers needing to identify predicates to start development work
- Is this something intended for use for librarians? Current feedback doesn't reflect those use cases yet; Julie discussed about whether ther are similar use cases to hers in terms of mapping existing MODS data, etc.
- Action: solicit feedback from community members to help identify additional use cases (Julie)
- Action: specify known motivating use case in existing predicate decision tree (i.e., for developers)
- Action: add note about
and swap order of common ontologies and LOV - Range violations
- May represent split between group doing modeling and development
- e.g. plan to use
for URI in MODS-RDF group; GeoConcerns is using a literal instead - Suggestion of awareness of range violations because they might impact cross-compatability of models and code
- Suggestion to document that some applications violate the specified ranges
- Action: draft up suggested language about range considerations and get feedback
- Editing before HydraConnect to address changes?
- Use "Suggestions" to signal that the changes are new
- Questions about intended audience
- Functional Requirements doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G2LHArFRW-WdttH_YhNmAjf-Oe9EPZWSZQVap7lenQ8/edit?usp=sharing
- Recipe decision
- Slash pattern and matienzo's comment: are there logical groupings for predicates?
- Do we see the need for there to be groupings of predicates rather than a general "bucket"
- How do we see the application? Is this a community service or an application that individual institutions run?
- Perhaps a shared need for this to host vocabularies.
- Don Brower: if there's an app, we'd probably want to host it locally, because we have local predicates that don't make sense out of our institutional context
- This perhaps changes the requirements - was this what we were anticipating?
- It makes sense to represent this in the use cases; perhaps additional features/vocab hosting is where we change development phases and get community engineering time
- Recipe selection/configuration/MVP
- No strong opinions from most of the group; slight preference for recipe #5
- Questions regarding implementation
- Development phases
- How does development start?
- Suggested by Karen Estlund that if we had a functional requirements document, she could convene a group of developers to start work
- Ready to post for feedback?
- Yes, sounds like it.
- Recipe decision