SoaF Structural Subgroup 2015-09-23

SoaF Structural Subgroup 2015-09-23


  1. Proposed deliverables
    1. Reduce scope to segment of a file (subgroup name changed to clarify)
    2. Use cases started but need further discussion
    3. Final products include: explain use cases and recommendation based on those use cases
  2. Segment of a file structure use cases - what is happening, what is needed? 
    1. Overall: File of aggregation and those pieces have own descriptive metadata
      1. sometimes selectors can be arbitrary points, sometimes pre-defined/established
    2. segments of a disk image  
    3. article on page and across pages (image and OCR)    
    4. image of spread; metadata about each page   
    5. audio cd with tracks   
    6. event  with performances   
    7. document with articles/ images   
    8. annotations on image 
    9. XML-defined structure (TEI)
  3. Other Discussion
    1. OA recommends using different specs for different types of content (temporal, spatial, byte)
    2. W3C's mediaFragments already in use by Avalon and IIIF
    3. How is this data stored? OA uses RDF - what does that mean for Hydra? Is this out of scope for this group?
  4. Meeting schedule and timeframe
    1. Doodle poll for initial meeting post-HydraConnect to discuss use cases/define scope further, then work out regular meeting times