SoaF Structural Subgroup 2015-09-23
SoaF Structural Subgroup 2015-09-23
- Proposed deliverables
- Reduce scope to segment of a file (subgroup name changed to clarify)
- Use cases started but need further discussion
- Final products include: explain use cases and recommendation based on those use cases
- Segment of a file structure use cases - what is happening, what is needed?
- Overall: File of aggregation and those pieces have own descriptive metadata
- sometimes selectors can be arbitrary points, sometimes pre-defined/established
- segments of a disk image
- article on page and across pages (image and OCR)
- image of spread; metadata about each page
- audio cd with tracks
- event with performances
- document with articles/ images
- annotations on image
- XML-defined structure (TEI)
- Overall: File of aggregation and those pieces have own descriptive metadata
- Other Discussion
- OA recommends using different specs for different types of content (temporal, spatial, byte)
- W3C's mediaFragments already in use by Avalon and IIIF
- How is this data stored? OA uses RDF - what does that mean for Hydra? Is this out of scope for this group?
- Meeting schedule and timeframe
- Doodle poll for initial meeting post-HydraConnect to discuss use cases/define scope further, then work out regular meeting times
- Doodle poll for initial meeting post-HydraConnect to discuss use cases/define scope further, then work out regular meeting times
, multiple selections available,