July 11, 2014
July 11, 2014
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025
- Steven Anderson (BPL - Facilitator)
- Linda Newman (Cincinnati - Notetaker)
- Mike Friscia (Yale)
- Richard Green (Hull)
- Chris Awre, Hull
- Karen Cariani (WGBH)
- Jon Stroop (Princeton)
- Bess Sadler (Stanford)
- Ray Lubinsky (UVA)
- Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
- Claire Stewart (Northwestern)
- Will Cowan (Indiana)
- Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
- Anders Conrad (Royal Library)
Agenda & Notes
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- Welcome New Folks
- Call for Agenda Items
- Next Call
- Date: August 8th
- Facilitator: Karen Cariani
- Notetaker: Bess Sadler
- Date: August 8th
- Architectural oversight of Hydra core
This came up after LDCX, and was left on the agenda from previous meetings. It was decided to push this to the next agenda. - Mailing lists
- hydra-users will become hydra-community on Sunday 13 July
- All hydra-partners traffic should please transfer to hydra-community unless it is genuinely "Partners-only" material (eg security alerts, votes,...)
Bess suggested that monthly Hydra partners updates go to hydra-community, which would encourage those who are not partners to also submit updates. Richard confirmed that this was one of the desired outcomes of this change. Richard volunteered to forward our updates to Hydra-community on July 13th, and to continue to encourage submissions to move toward hydra-community. Expect to see emails from Richard on Monday about the switch being complete.
- Standing Community to-do's
- Reports back
- Hydra Camp, May 6-9 Minneapolis (deferred to future update from Mark Bussey who was unable to attend today)
- OR2014 - positive event, good number of Hydra partners present and presentations and conversations relating to Hydra. Recordings are now available on the OR2014 site and a repository of presentations should be available soon.
- Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
- Hydra Connect #2, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio: 9/30-10/3/2014 – see Hydra Connect 2 - Fall 2014
- FYI: Ticket price is $55 and booking is now open - details at Hydra Connect 2 - Fall 2014
- Discounted hotel rates are available between now and 28 August - details and booking link on the same page
- Registration is capped at 150, and we expect it to be booked full. REGISTER EARLY (NOW)
- we expect to advertise to general lists (C4L) once Partners have had ample time to register
- If you know of early or potential adopters who could benefit from attending, please pass along word
- Preliminary program info – Program Committee met for the first time yesterday. Watch the Hydra Connect 2 site for more information.
- Hydra Connect #2, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio: 9/30-10/3/2014 – see Hydra Connect 2 - Fall 2014
- Training
- Hydra Camp fall 2014 (26-29 August, 2014 Princeton). The space has been reserved, 30 slots are available and 5 are already full. Mark will be sending a reminder out to the Hydra elists soon, probably on Monday. Karen suggested also advertising on the Fedora users group.
- Hydra Camp fall 2014 (26-29 August, 2014 Princeton). The space has been reserved, 30 slots are available and 5 are already full. Mark will be sending a reminder out to the Hydra elists soon, probably on Monday. Karen suggested also advertising on the Fedora users group.
- Projects & Working Groups
- Hydramata update: http://hydramata.github.io/status/Hydramata-Project-Update/ Rick Johnson described the re-architecture/refactor stage of Hydramata currently underway. Watch for more regular communications to the Hydra community modeled after Stanford's communications re Spotlight.
- Hydra RDF Working Group update: No updates today.
- Samvera Archivists Interest Group update: Mike Giarlo reported that the HAWG group is wrapping up the first phase of its work to document integration use cases. A summary will be forthcoming. Until someone has resources to make this happen this remains in the document stage. The HAWG group is now looking at additional topics such as integration with BitCurator. Mike Friscia commented that Yale might pick this up quickly and move forward with diving into this. The HAWG group should perhaps meet more often to provide more specific feedback to starting the coding process. This could be a gem that would know how to speak to the Archives Space API and could be layered into your Hydra application.
Samvera User Experience Interest Group Working Group update: Chris noted that monthly calls were taking place. The idea of setting up the group was to allow people to talk about user experience, interface design and testing. Information has been shared and last week the group talked about contributing to Hydra Connect #2. Watch the Hydra Community list for announcements.
Samvera Digital Preservation Interest Group update: Anders talked today to the chair of the group, Christen Hedegaard. He has written a note to the Partners list. There was a kick off meeting at OR2014 with 7 or 8 people, but more people have expressed interest. The group may start by collecting knowledge about existing preservation solutions and tools. See the wiki page for the group. Working with Open Planets Foundation is a strong possibility.
- Strategic Plan
- New
Samvera and Fedora 4 - FAQ page. Please review and extend. Richard commented that some of the issues brought up at the Power Steering meeting are being addressed, including the page on Hydra and Fedora 4. There are some unanswered questions about Fedora which he is researching. Partners should add information to this page for any additional information about Hydra and Fedora 4 that needs to be added.
- New
Samvera and Fedora 4 - FAQ page. Please review and extend. Richard commented that some of the issues brought up at the Power Steering meeting are being addressed, including the page on Hydra and Fedora 4. There are some unanswered questions about Fedora which he is researching. Partners should add information to this page for any additional information about Hydra and Fedora 4 that needs to be added.
- Status of information gathering on Fedora 3 -> Fedora 4 transitions (Migration messaging)
Mark Bussey is chairing a group looking at migration. Discussion ensued about partner plans and research re Fedora 4 and the fact that support for migration will get added in to Fedora 4.1 next year.
- Reports back
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing - strong interest from several institutions world-wide.
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