Samvera Tech Call 2024-02-14
Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL:
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Agenda (meeting notes below)
Discuss ♻️ Extracting naming container by jeremyf · Pull Request #6694 · samvera/hyrax
Hyrax “double_combo”
Browser Stack as a useful tool for accessibility testing
Moderator: @Daniel Pierce
Notetaker: @Jeremy Friesen
@Daniel Pierce
@Jeremy Friesen
@Rebekah Kati
@Bradley Watson
@Heather Greer Klein
@Christine Peterson
@Chris Colvard
Meeting Process
Discuss ♻️ Extracting naming container by jeremyf · Pull Request #6694 · samvera/hyrax
This arose from multiple difficulties encountered in Hyku upgrade
See slack conversation that happened prior to the dev channel
This refactor is an attempt to name many magic arrays.
Vision is that the application would define the class names for the
, andfile_set
is referenced, and there would likely need to be an ActiveRecord adapter method for downstream implementations that still assumeFileSet.find
Hyrax’s “double_combo” branch is working except for the copy of files from Fedora to another storage location.
Browser Stack integration for testing, as the open source project this should be free for Samvera. We would need to add to the readme that we’re testing with that tool.
Avalon has been using this for years, in particular for mobile and testing of AV support. They’ve been using the open-source setup. You are granted only so many active users at a time.
Heather will be getting this moving.
Avalon’s pushing forward a IIIF Manifest gem updates. There’s no product owner, so Avalon team minted gems.
Chris will put forward some PRs to remove Karen as product owner and indicate they are vacant.
Bulkrax upgrades are happening with a focus on Hyrax/Hyku backwards compatability; providing configuration options.
Hyrax’s application generation is building off of Zeitwork loading; and getting this on Rails 7.