Samvera Tech Call 2024-06-26
Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL:
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Agenda (meeting notes below)
<add your agenda item here (your name)>
Moderator: @Bradley Watson
Notetaker: @Rebekah Kati
@Ayoub Belemlih
@Daniel Pierce
@Rob Kaufman
Margaret Kibi
Meeting Process
double-combo branch is merged into hyrax-main (!!!)
missing robust testing and frigg (fedora 6) support, as further fedora 6 work is needed. These will be addressed in future PRs
CI times have gotten longer because of analytics work
This is an issue for lots of folks on other projects
Rob proposes building a separate builder image to get around this, but we would need to change the image every time we changed alpine Linux versions
Daniel will look into alpine Linux packages.
We could also switch base images, but this could cause problems for the community so it is not ideal.
Daniel is working through the PR list. Others should feel free to approve too!
When will default_admin_set ID PR be merged? Later this week seems reasonable.
flexible metadata
Suggestion to move include to be more explicit.
Surfliner is using M3 differently than Hyrax currently and wants to ensure that both cases can be accommodated.
Everyone on the call is supportive of an approach that is inclusive of all of our use cases
This will be included in Hyku soon
Add admin set selection to worktype modal by laritakr · Pull Request #6829 · samvera/hyrax needs to be looked at
necessary for flexible metadata work