Samvera Tech Call 2024-12-18

Samvera Tech Call 2024-12-18

Meeting Logistics:

Meeting ID: 773 959 1625

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Meeting ID: 773 959 1625

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Meeting ID: 773 959 1625

Agenda (meeting notes below)

  • New Hyrax Tech Lead: @Randall Floyd

Moderator: @Daniel Pierce

Notetaker: @Chris Colvard


  • @Annamarie Klose

  • @Randall Floyd

  • @Bradley Watson

  • @Nicholas Mark Homenda

  • Sue Beck

  • Chris Sellers

Meeting Process

  1. Standing pre-agenda items (moderator)

    1. Welcome

      • "Welcome everyone, please add your name to the Attendees list.  If you are unable to do so, please let us know, and someone will add you. To any newcomers, Welcome, and please feel free to ask questions. Likewise for all attendees. We strive for an open and accessible conversation around Samvera technology."

    2. Call for new agenda items

  2. Follow Agenda from above (facilitated by moderator) and record notes in Notes section below (note taker)

  3. Standing post-agenda items (moderator)

    1. call for next moderator and note taker (moderator)

      1. Moderator:

      2. Notetaker:

    2. Samvera help follow-up (moderator)

    3. Pull request review (moderator)

      1. Recent Samvera PR list

  4. Post-meeting action (note taker)

    1. After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call:

      1. Open template agenda titled "Samvera Tech Call XXXX-XX-XX"

      2. Click on ... in the top right corner, and select copy.

      3. Popup will open for location. It should contain:

        1. Space: Samvera

        2. Parent page: 2024

      4. Select copy. New page should be created.

      5. Modify the title to remove "copy of", update it with the next date, add moderator, notetaker, and any carry-over agenda info. Click Publish. 


  1. New Hyrax Tech Lead: Randall Floyd!

    1. Might reimagine Hyrax Tech Lead role so it isn’t so onerous, all-encompassing job

    2. Need all of the community to chip in because the tech lead doesn’t know it all and can’t do it all

    3. Coalition of the willing - group effort

    4. Mentorship to devs so they can take over role in the future

    5. Randall will focus on being responsive on communication (slack/email)

  2. Hyrax dev update

    1. Hyrax 5.1 release work progressing

      1. Fedora 6 support (sirenia) - test passing!

      2. Ruby 3.3 / Rails 7.2 - 6 failing tests

      3. Beta release by end of year?

  3. UV Accessibility

    1. OSU working on this locally

      1. working with older UV version ( forked 3.x)

    2. What are hyrax’s plans?

      1. Nothing yet but watching BL effort

      2. UV 3 right now…looking at upgrading to 4

      3. possible community sprint around Hyrax + IIIF which could include UV upgrade

      4. large interest in this at regional meetings this year

    3. There is a British Library effort to work on this

      1. Check out UV slack for ongoing conversation on this

  4. Hyrax / Hyku Maintenance WG merging?

    1. Hyrax MWG has been around

    2. Interested in establishing Hyku WG and has some funding from grant

    3. Instead of duplicating effort considering combining these groups

    4. Would be good for greater communication and coordination between Hyrax + Hyku dev efforts

      1. See question below

  5. AllinsonFlex + Hyku

    1. Is there a plan for integrating AllinsonFlex into Hyrax?

      1. AllinsonFlex originally written by SoftServ as a gem written for Hyrax 2.x

      2. Current effort to update gem to be compatible with Valkyrie / Hyrax 5.x for use in Hyku

        1. Added to Hyku already

      3. Looking at merging updated gem into Hyrax

        1. issue with how to add AllinsonFlex without breaking existing Hyrax apps

        2. IU interested in seeing this work get done

        3. Probably only be available in Hyrax 5 and not in any earlier versions

  6. Questioning Authority gem

    1. Will QA by maintained or deprecated?

      1. Used by Hyrax/Hyku

      2. Doesn’t have an active PO

      3. Jonathan Rochkind has been keeping QA up to date with latest rails versions

      4. Useful - maybe Hyrax should make more use of it

      5. Github Processes and Permissions WG is working on getting chartered and should address the question of how to identify repos for deprecation

        1. Github Processes and Permissions Working Group Charter

  7. Next Meeting: 1/8/2025

    1. Moderator: @Randall Floyd

    2. Notetaker: @Nicholas Mark Homenda


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