Samvera Tech Call 2024-05-22

Samvera Tech Call 2024-05-22

Meeting Logistics:

Meeting ID: 773 959 1625

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Meeting ID: 773 959 1625

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Meeting ID: 773 959 1625

Agenda (meeting notes below)

  • Dev Congress Report @Daniel Pierce

  • Freyja/Frigg migration adapter status report @Daniel Pierce

  • google analytics 4 progress @Rob Kaufman

Moderator: @Daniel Pierce

Notetaker: @Rebekah Kati


  • @Thomas Scherz

  • @Rob Kaufman

  • @Bradley Watson

Meeting Process

  1. Standing pre-agenda items (moderator)

    1. Welcome

      • "Welcome everyone, please add your name to the Attendees list.  If you are unable to do so, please let us know, and someone will add you. To any newcomers, Welcome, and please feel free to ask questions. Likewise for all attendees. We strive for an open and accessible conversation around Samvera technology."

    2. Call for new agenda items

  2. Follow Agenda from above (facilitated by moderator) and record notes in Notes section below (note taker)

  3. Standing post-agenda items (moderator)

    1. call for next moderator and note taker (moderator)

      1. Moderator:

      2. Notetaker:

    2. Samvera help follow-up (moderator)

    3. Pull request review (moderator)

      1. Recent Samvera PR list

  4. Post-meeting action (note taker)

    1. After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call:

      1. Open template agenda titled "Samvera Tech Call 2023-xx-xx"

      2. Click on ... in the top right corner, and select copy.

      3. Popup will open for location. It should contain:

        1. Space: Samvera

        2. Parent page: 2023

      4. Select copy. New page should be created.

      5. Modify the title to remove "copy of", update it with the next date, add moderator, notetaker, and any carry-over agenda info. Click Publish. 


  1. Dev Congress Report

    1. Randall worked on getting pair-tree support into Hyrax and Valkyrie. Trey has looked at the PR for Valkyrie. Hyrax PR is in progress

    2. Chris looked at changing ordered_aggregation

    3. Daniel and Randall looked at slashes in fedora IDs, but just brainstorming so far

    4. Daniel worked on Frejya/Frigg (see below)

    5. Rebekah and Julie looked at accessibility.

      1. Accessibility audit is finished, Rebekah is currently ticketing issues

      2. Comparison of EU and WCAG guidelines was completed. No additional actions needed for audit, but we need an accessibility statement for nurax compliance. Rebekah wrote recommendations for new Web Accessibility Interest Group to consider

    6. Julie looked at Samvera documentation

      1. Providing links on the Samvera wiki to component documentation on the Github wiki. Julie drafted recommendations for further work for new Documentation Interest Group to take over

    7. Is there a better name for the Developer Congress that could help with attendance?

      1. “Developer Congress” works for in-person, when we’re trying to get travel funds, but maybe not as important for virtual

      2. emphasize upskilling for developers

  2. Freyja/Frigg migration adapter status report

    1. Daniel and LaRita have been working on this

    2. There is a branch where Dassie is configured like Hyku (dassie-combo). When trying to edit work from main branch (which uses ActiveFedora), filesets get saved and re-indexed but file metadata gets routed to Wings. Daniel is currently troubleshooting

      1. Rob suggests that this behavior could be a misconfiguration. LaRita is also doing derivative work which may have affected this. Rob will look at the branch.

    3. Work on Frigg will happen soon

  3. Google Analytics 4

    1. Haven’t been recording events in GA4 in a way that we can report on them. This component broke sometime last year.

    2. Work page and fileset analytics page, user report page are loading properly.

    3. Still need aggregate report to work

    4. Using Google-shipped gem, no more Legato. Google gem doesn’t support alpine binaries. Rob has figured out a work-around. Main drawback is slowness

  4. Github Actions and Hyrax

    1. Daniel needs to get this working for Dassie, but it is working for Koppie

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