Samvera Tech Call 2024-10-23
Meeting Logistics:
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Zoom Meeting URL:
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Agenda (meeting notes below)
Timing of next Hyrax (minor?) release (@dmoles)
Moderator: @Daniel Pierce
Notetaker: @Chris Colvard
@Bradley Watson
Meeting Process
Timing of next Hyrax release? Minor release?
Work slated for next Hyrax release
Frejja migrators
Fedora 6 support?
Slowness in certain views/actions/spec tests due to certain queries running find_all (reading the entire repository…yikes!)
Couple workaround PRs to help where this was seen
This PR still needs to be fixed / merged: Collection type provides performant method to check if any collections exist by cjcolvar · Pull Request #6929 · samvera/hyrax
Long-term solution: using Fedora simple-search for queries instead of find_all then filtering results (cf. Valkyrie #852)
If Fedora 6 implemented descendant / ancestor searches it would make things even easier
Component updates
Bootstrap 5 upgrade would be a lot of work and require major release
Rails 7.2 - Open PR with <100 failing tests Upgrade dependencies to support Ruby 3.3 and Rails 7.2 by randalldfloyd · Pull Request #6913 · samvera/hyrax
Upcoming accessibility community sprint?
Flexible metadata work?
Timing: Surfliner would like a release in next couple weeks since hoping to do a major deploy around end of year
So not Bootstrap 5, Blacklight 8
Hopefully Rails 7.2
ActiveFedora main will get Fedora 6 code soon so beware
ActiveFedora 15.x-stable will be the branch for any continuing Fedora 4 releases
Chris will drop a note on #dev before merging to main
Next meeting: 10/30/2024
Moderator: @dmoles
Notetaker: @Daniel Pierce