Github Processes and Permissions Working Group Charter
Scope & Objectives
The continuing health of the software developed in the Samvera community requires a process for evaluating core components periodically and determining whether or not they continue to meet the requirements to be considered core, or software that provides main functionality for a service that is actively used within the community, and therefore requires community maintenance and an individual to serve as product owner/lead maintainer. Processes are also needed for long-term maintenance of gems, including processes for onboarding and offboarding members of the community to code bases as new members join and others move on. Workflows are also needed for periodically evaluating long-standing open issues and pull requests on all core component repositories, so that they can be prioritized, reworked, or closed as needed.
Deliverables & Timeframe
Develop a process for tagging, communicating about, and closing long-standing issues and pull request; this includes a proposed window in which issues and pull requests should be marked as stale and undergo evaluation for being closed
Create a rubric for identifying core components as candidates for deprecation; this includes explanations for how each data point in the rubric is factored in and should be evaluated
A system for evaluating gem ownership and GitHub permissions so that authors can be onboarded and offboarded smoothly as membership changes
The timeframe for activities and producing deliverables should also be included in this section. Included should be a sunset date for the group (the date WG will end and announce the WG deliverables/accomplishments).
To be reviewed with the Samvera Board
Meeting Times & Communication Channels
Meeting dates/times/frequency TBD
Communication channel:
#github-processes-and-permissions-wg on Samvera Slack
Emails to Samvera mailing list should begin with "Github Processes & Permissions WG: Subject here"
Note that Working Groups must have participants from three different Partners.
Kate Lynch, Princeton University
James Griffin, Princeton University
Chris Colvard, Indiana University
Shana Moore, Notch8
Meeting Notes
list of links
or table of meeting notes