Technical Metadata Call 2015-04-28
Technical Metadata Call 2015-04-28
Time: 8:30am PDT / 11:30am EDT
Call-In Info: Google Hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/event/cpt6do5qc6l6mt4g853rqolk5tk
Moderator: Aaron Coburn (Amherst College)
Former user (Deleted) (Amherst College)
- Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
- Corey Harper (NYU)
- Hugo Manguinhas (Europeana)
- Juliet Hardesty (Artefactual Systems)
- Sharon Farnel (U. of Alberta)
- Jon Stroop (Princeton)
- Dallas Pillen (U. Michigan)
- matienzo (DPLA)
- Nick Ruest (York University)
- Review proposed technical metadata application profile
- premis vs. ebucore for equivalent properties
- Additional baseline properties
- premis:Agent / prov:SoftwareAgent
- nfo:fileUrl / rdfs:seeAlso / edm:isRepresentationOf
- Specialized properties (more on this later, after the baseline is complete)
- dct:extent / exif:width / ebucore:width
- exif:bitsPerSecond
- ...
- Review sample mappings: europeana, others?
- Recommendations for workflow tools
- NonRDF Technical metadata and PCDM (via pcdm:hasRelatedFile)
- structural predicates
- edm:isDerivationOf / prov:wasDerivedFrom
- structural predicates
- ...
- ACTION ALL: Capture questions / comments in the google doc.
https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/1SZCpSIdlGfXgoYrAnW2eRKlIt6O-1ADIDDhmLrvxeLc/edit#heading=h.a8hurtypz8qi - ACTION: All look at some edge cases. A Web Archive.
- ACTION: Jon: Images. Hardware & Sofware Questions.
- Diff between image production, image capture, and image software.
- ACTION: Aaron/Jon/Julie: Note to the sprint group by Thursday giving update:
- Here's what we've done
- Here's our open issues
- Here's our next steps
- First cut at Application Profile:
https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/1SZCpSIdlGfXgoYrAnW2eRKlIt6O-1ADIDDhmLrvxeLc/edit#heading=h.a8hurtypz8qi- Baseline core properties
- Based on Justin's spreadsheet for documnt, media, AV
- LDCX, people looking at NFO & Pronom
- PBCore combining with ebucore. This also met Europeana use cases, so baseline draws on EBUCore.
- AP also includes equiv props from other namespaces
- Q from Aaron: Premis already supported by and used in Fedora. Do we want to privledge one or the other of Premis v. EBUCore
- Julie: potentially better to do Premis if already used. Maybe focus those on preservation?
- Jon: Another approach is to find the vocab closest to having everything we need, but causes least domain strife
- Consensus seems to be using EbuCore as much as possible, with understanding that some Premis should map to equiv.
- Corey: Needs to be possible to override a property choice.
- Q from Jon: How to implement over-ridability.
- Corey: I suggest that the property definition lives in Hydra.
- Jon: But silly to recreate Fedora-wheels. Maybe map properties to Fedora Internals. Acknowledge overlap.
- Q from Hugo: Being aware of type inconsistencies. Example, ebucore:fileSize specified as xsd:double, though Europeana's profile expresses as bytes, which are xsd:long
- Name of original file? Where does this go? What is ebuCore:filename? How does map to Premis:hasOriginalFile. Property to map full path?
- ACTION ALL: Capture questions like these as comments on the google doc.
- Specialized properties:
- These should end up covered by EbuCore
- We can probably persue those more slowly
- Jon: Make sure there's not a breaker at a lower level.
- ACTION: All look at some edge cases. A Web Archive.
- ACTION: Jon: Images. Hardware & Sofware Questions.
- Diff between image production, image capture, and image software.
- Justin: Question about predicates defined specific to types, or just a long list of predicates. See barmintor's PCDM PR.
https://github.com/duraspace/pcdm/pull/2 - Justin: Define best practices per doc type
- NonRDF Tech Metadata.
- Tools that Generate non-RDF: FITS, etc.
- How to do this
- pcdm:hasRelatedFile for things that are related but not the object itself.
- Aaron looking to other vocabs to structure it more. Multiple related files. Example of a file with & without a color target. Tech MD about each.
- edm:isDerivationOf; prov:wasDerivedFrom.
- derivatives are different from tech MD generated from an object. Perhaps we grab an "isMetadataFor"
- Possibly rdf:Description, or ore:describes, (or even foaf:focus?)
- Meh, ORE Describes has domain of a resource map...
- http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/terms?q=describes
- Other General Topics:
- Jon Q: Property that might be missing. Byte Order.
- PBCore is working with EbuCore -- may be able to get stuff added.
- Sweet from Jet Propulsion Library has Byte Order. Jon also comes back to it for representations of units of measure.
https://sweet.jpl.nasa.gov/sweet2.2- Maybe good to find another source, since we don't want to import giant vocab for one property.
- EBUCoreHash vs. a Premis Proeprty
- Convo about Provenance -- Defer to next week? Software agent, etc.
- Do we need to get everything to them by the end of this week?
- ACTION: Aaron/Jon/Julie: Note to the sprint group by Thursday giving update:
- Here's what we've done
- Here's our open issues
- Here's our next steps
- ACTION: Aaron/Jon/Julie: Note to the sprint group by Thursday giving update:
, multiple selections available,
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