Technical Metadata Call 2015-05-12
Technical Metadata Call 2015-05-12
Time: 11am PDT / 2pm EDT
Call-In Info: Google Hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/event/cpt6do5qc6l6mt4g853rqolk5tk
Moderator: Nick Ruest (York University)
- matienzo
- Former user (Deleted)
- Sharon Farnel
- Juliet Hardesty
- Valentine Charles
- Server managed and technical metadata properties overlap
- Using separate properties lets you choose the properties you want to use, and update them in the normal ways (SPARQL Update, POSTing RDF)
- Using server-managed properties limits which properties can be changed, but enables repository functionality: e.g., checking fixity against the checksum, setting response headers based on the mime type/file name, automatically calculating the file size, checksum, and creation/modification dates.
- Feedback from Juliet Hardesty
- label vs use properties
- Date fields in EBUCore
1. Server managed and technical metadata properties overlap
- System properties (dates)
- EBUCore date
- System properties (size and checksum)
- discussion about how to handle checksum, checksum algorithm
- which predicate(s) to use?
- premis:hasMessageDigestAlgorithm + premis:hasMessageDigest (need blank nodes)
- http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/cryptographicHashFunctions.html
- consensus for using cryptographicHashFunctions
- which predicate(s) to use?
- discussion about how to handle checksum, checksum algorithm
- filesize
- consensus for using read-only system property
2. Take care of with: https://github.com/duraspace/pcdm/pull/7
3. User modifiable dates can be more flexible
- consensus on having a loose range, but use standards please :-)
, multiple selections available,
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