Technical Metadata Call 2015-05-12

Technical Metadata Call 2015-05-12

Time: 11am PDT / 2pm EDT

Call-In Info: Google Hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/event/cpt6do5qc6l6mt4g853rqolk5tk

Moderator: Nick Ruest (York University)





  1.  Server managed and technical metadata properties overlap
    1. Using separate properties lets you choose the properties you want to use, and update them in the normal ways (SPARQL Update, POSTing RDF)
    2. Using server-managed properties limits which properties can be changed, but enables repository functionality: e.g., checking fixity against the checksum, setting response headers based on the mime type/file name, automatically calculating the file size, checksum, and creation/modification dates.
    3. Feedback from Juliet Hardesty
  2. label vs use properties
  3. Date fields in EBUCore


1. Server managed and technical metadata properties overlap

  • System properties (dates)
    • EBUCore date
  • System properties (size and checksum)
  • filesize
    • consensus for using read-only system property

2. Take care of with: https://github.com/duraspace/pcdm/pull/7

3. User modifiable dates can be more flexible

  • consensus on having a loose range, but use standards please :-)