Committers Call 2012-01-30
Committers Call 2012-01-30
- Moderator: Justin Coyne
- Notetaker: Michael Klein
- Chris Beer, WGBH
- Dan Brubaker-Horst, Notre Dame
- Chris Colvard, Indiana University
- Justin Coyne, Mediashelf
- Naomi Dushay, Stanford
- Jessie Keck, Stanford
- Simon Lamb, U. of Hull
- Mike Stroming, Northwestern
- Adam Wead, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
- Matt Zumwalt, Mediashelf
Agenda and Notes
(Original agenda in plain text; call notes in bold.)
- Call for agenda items
- Next call: (when? moderator: ? , notetaker: ?)
- Feb.13. Moderator: Michael Klein; Notetaker: Simon Lamb
- service_definitions.rb - Support for models that support multiple contentModel declarations? (Simon Lamb)
- Simon found a quick fix: Mix in the ServiceDefinitions module
- Looking into #lookup_method in service_definitions.rb that inspects the Fedora sdefs on the object
- Actions: Simon will update documentation to better explain how to use ServiceDefinitions in ActiveFedora (and/or Hydra) models
- RVM ree upgrade issues (Michael Klein)
- ruby-1.8.7-p357 and ree-1.8.7-2011.12 change the hashing algorithm, which breaks some instances of #each, #each_pair, and other block methods where hash order is important.
- Michael K has fixed the failures in OM; will merge into master this week.
- Justin will look at fixing ActiveFedora.
- OM outside of Hydra (Naomi)
- Is it worth promoting the use of OM outside the context of ActiveFedora::NokogiriDatastream?
- If so, it implies two tasks:
- Better document existing OM to support its use
- Add convenience methods where needed to make OM as easy as ActiveFedora
- Better define the seams between OM terminology solr parameters and Solrizer
- ActiveFedora 3.3.0 release
- datastream version history
- Checksum verification
- RDF datastreams
- Locked to activesupport 3.0.x
- Actual issue: activesupport needs to be (>= 3.0 && <= 3.2), but gemspec doesn't give a way to specify that.
- Matt and Justin will work on that.
- File asset work contributed by Penn State
- https://github.com/psu-stewardship/gamma/blob/master/app/models/generic_file.rb and https://github.com/psu-stewardship/gamma/blob/master/app/controllers/generic_files_controller.rb instead of file_asset.rb and file_assets_controller.rb
- "newly added" version / "received" status / fedora workflow - Naomi
- "common infrastructure" component - can/should this be split up? how do we make documentation tasks tractable?
- Matt created it as a catch-all to allow for everything to be assigned to a component, but isn't committed to its continued existence
- Naomi: keep it in common infrastructure and split it up later if an item "drifts" toward a particular component?
- Unassigned Version tickets no more – let's assign versions to 5 of them this call:
- Hot Plate tickets winnowed and componentized?
- Jira Weekly Round up from Sprint for Jan 30 (today):
, multiple selections available,
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