June 10, 2016

June 10, 2016


Hydra Partners Call (June 2016)
Friday, June 10, 2016 
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)  |  1 hr 
Meeting number:  738 605 799 
Meeting password: VBjSQ583
Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com
Join by phone
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 738 605 799

Facilitator: Will Cowan (Indiana University)

Notetaker: Chris Awre



  1. Michael Joseph Giarlo (Stanford University)
  2. wgcowan (Indiana University)
  3. Michael Friscia (Yale University)
  4. Mike Korcynski (Tufts University)
  5. newmanld (University of Cincinnati)
  6. Chris Awre (University of Hull)
  7. Richard Green (University of Hull)
  8. Nabeela Jaffer (University of Michigan)
  9. Jon Stroop (Princeton)
  10. Fleming, Declan (Deactivated) (UCSD)
  11. Sheila Rabun (University of Oregon)
  12. Tom Cramer (Stanford University)
  13. Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
  14. John Weise (University of Michigan)
  15. sanderson (Boston Public Library)
  16. Don Brower (University of Notre Dame)
  17. Julie Allinson (University of York)
  18. Margaret Mellinger
  19. Maria Whitaker
  20. Ruth?

*Thanks to all who added their names to the wiki page for ease of reference and collection.  I spotted a couple of extra on the WebEx and have added these, so please edit as needed. Chris

Event Recording

Next meeting: 8 July 2016
Facilitator: Linda Newman
Notetaker: Julie Allinson
Hydra Financial Governance
  • Richard summarised current position.  A view had emerged from Steering and others in the community that it would be useful for Hydra to have access to funding to support a range of administrative and organisational tasks.  When shared this had found favour
  • An initial request for funds in 2015 was made and it is planned for a specific fundraising drive for Hydra in the near future through DuraSpace.
  • The linked document is a current and revised set of rules for managing finances that Hydra has, recommended by Hydra Steering, which had been circulated to Partners for comment (though none had been received).  Those on the call were asked for any additional comments and positive feedback was made.
  • The document and rules were accepted as a good starting place, noting that the document is organic and can change as circumstances evolve.

Hydra Connect 2016 program ideas

  • A reminder was made to all to input ideas for sessions.
  • Will proposed having a session that is specific to addressing/looking at matters related to Hydra Partners, to help foster the identity of this group further.
    • Tom has a panel proposal in on what it means to be a Partner.  Declan raised inclusion of the coded licensing issue within this.
    • Could a Partner table or poster be useful?  Linda will nominate an idea for having a Partner table as part of the poster session to foster discussion without having the staff the table for the whole time.
  • Registration for Hydra Connect opened at noon (see link in agenda above).  Cost is $135.  A number of scholarship places are available - see the Hydra Connect 2016 page for more details.

HydraDAM2 - focus on asynchronous storage of digital preservation masterfiles

  • WC presented on HydraDAM2 work on asynchronous storage.  Slides are available.
  • Apache Camel is being used to route requests
  • The process could be used to push content out to different stores, e.g., LOCKSS.
  • Tom, Declan and Rick highlighted similar work at Stanford, UCSD and Notre Dame, respectively.  There is interest in codifying the API between Hydra and a preservation store that could benefit from sharing of experiences and approaches.  HydraDAM2 has already put in a proposal to Hydra Connect - Will will check whether on this to see if it could be changed or linked to a panel on the topic.

Topics for open discussion

DuraSpace-Lyrasis merger

Will provided background on this.  Concern had been raised at the DuraSpace Members Summit in March, and the proposed merger was now off.

Hydra relationship with DuraSpace

Tom updated the call on the contractual arrangements being made between Hydra and DuraSpace for the provision of services (as a DuraSpace Affiliate, not a DuraSpace Project).


Hydra Virtual Connect - the programme for this should be released next week.  It will be a mixture of set and requested presentations.

Spotlight - Details will go out on hydra-community when confirmed.  The first day will discuss use of Spotlight, the second will be a hackday.




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