June 6, 2014
June 6, 2014
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025
- Mike Friscia (Yale - Facilitator)
- Chris Awre (Hull - Notetaker)
- Robin Ruggaber (UVa)
- Richard Green (Hull)
- Steven Anderson (BPL)
- Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
- Linda Newman (Cincinnati)
- Mark Notess (Indiana)
- Julie Rutter (Northwestern)
Agenda & Notes
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- No one was new to the call on this occasion
- No one was new to the call on this occasion
- Welcome New Folks
- Call for Agenda Items
- Next Call
- Date: July 11th
- Facilitator: Steven Anderson
- Notetaker: Linda Newman
- Date: July 11th
- Architectural oversight of Hydra core
- Item on agenda as follow-up to last call
- Tom to distribute notes from discussions in Stanford in April – Chris to follow-up on this
- Focus of architectural work is on Fedora 4 at the moment
- Work on Hydramata has highlighted aspects that feed into Hydra architecture
- Noted that discussion will be ongoing – keep it on agenda as a reminder
- Standing Community to-do's
- Reports back
- Hydra Camp, May 6-9 Minneapolis (and Hydra Camp, Dublin, 8-11 April)
- Deferred – no one at the camp present
- Hydra Camp, May 6-9 Minneapolis (and Hydra Camp, Dublin, 8-11 April)
- Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
- OR2014
- The large range of talks related to Hydra was noted, particularly in the plenary conference. A leaflet listing all has been created for distribution. The talks are also listed on the Events page
- Hydra has a table, but staffing this needs arranging. Chris will create a sign-up sheet. Need to clarify where the table is and likely need for staffing.
- Hydra Connect #2, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio: 9/30-10/3/2014 – see Hydra Connect 2 - Fall 2014
- FYI: Ticket price is $55 and booking should open in the next 48 hours - details at Hydra Connect 2 - Fall 2014
- Discounted hotel rates are available between now and 28 August - details and booking link on the same page
- Emphasis was placed on the hotel deadline date
- OR2014
- Training
- Hydra Camp fall 2014 (Boston?)
- Princeton are confirming.
- Yale offered to act as back-up if required.
- Hydra Camp fall 2014 (Boston?)
- Projects & Working Groups
- Hydramata Update
- Three amigos triage, involving key staff, is being put in place to aid sprint planning. Still open on team size for sprints.
- Re-architecture discussions. OR 2014 Fedora Interest Group talk will address this. Quite different architecture being proposed. Looking at how tightly ActiveFedora is tied to Rails layer. Trying to minimise number of calls to Fedora and Rails. General look to break things up more for flexibility.
- Hydramata has been complex. Working through it has been beneficial to all involved, as has previous experience
- Are lessons learned being documented? Agreed that it would be good to share these. Avalon is another example of such collaborative experience it would be good to share this experience. A panel at OR2014 will share some of the lessons, focusing on agile development techniques.
- Hydramata Directors are talking next week to agree on re-architecture roadmap timing
- Hydra RDF WG updates (if any)
- No update
- Hydra Archivists WG updates (if any)
- No update
- Hydra UX – Sending the emails to different lists is useful for different audiences
- Hydra Digital Preservation WG kicking off at OR2014 next Wednesday
- Robin and Rob Sanderson are working on guidelines for both working groups and interest groups – these will be surfaced at Connect
- Hydramata Update
- Strategic Plan
- Stanford to-do list now created and being actioned. Hope to share in the near future for comment.
- Status of information gathering on Fedora 3 -> Fedora 4 transitions (Migration messaging)
- No update
- The topic relates to a need to clarify messages about Hydra and Fedora 4
- Chris Beer demo of Hydra over Fedora 4 at OR2014
- Andrew Woods workshop at Connect
- Reports back
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- Links to other sites were raised for information
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