Media breakout conversation

Media breakout conversation

Variations on Video


Transcoding & Media Streaming

Authentication & Authorization – Copyright Compliance

Integration with Course Managment? (course lists, course media from Sakai) – not sure how that will be integrated

PBcore metadata & Editing

Use Cases:

  • Faculty upload video & create collections
  • View streaming content
  • Annotations (not top priority)
  • Link to specific clips

Not committed:
Workflow components


Matterhorn (not certain that it will fit, but relatively confident)
Kaltura – in use by Stanford & UVa, in trial at Northwestern

  • Because of costs involved, only appealing for publishing, not for transcoding

Communication/Collaboration with Hydra

Q: how transparent do VoV collaborators want to make their work so other hydra partners can follow along?
A: Only current decision is to use Agile/Scrum methodology. Could possibly put scrum notes & discussions on a list similar to hypatia-tech

Using DuraSpace wiki & jira instead of institutional systems

  • this has worked well for hypatia, resulting in increased collaboration & exchange of ideas/information

Kaltura (product considerations)

How it's being used


  • Primarily used by faculty to publish digital media
  • Authentication does not currently work with institutional identity management solutions, so primarily using Kaltura for publicly available content


  • Course reserves for Audio & Video (publishing & transcoding support for Sakai)


  • Proof of concept team looking into Kaltura over coming months.
  • Interested in Sakai integration.

Possible cases

  • Harvesting faculty-published content from Kaltura into archives (let faculty publish content however they want then pull it into the archives for long-term use)
  • Distribution channel for library materials? (mainly dissemination, some transcoding, not archiving or management)

Kaltura Higher-Education SiG?

Kaltura has grown very fast, higher-ed institutions seem to be talking to Kaltura but not to each other. Possibly time for a SiG?

PBCore 2.0

Great conceptual model
Embraces linked-data style metadata
Encourages use of standard vocabularies for describing content

  • note: in UI, you often want to use only a subset of the standard
    Accommodates many use cases for technical management of recorded materials & their manifestations

OM has some bugs that should be fixed to make PBCore even easier to use

Rumor says the organization that maintains PBcore will no longer be using it

Delivering Streaming Media Through Drupal

Interest in delivering managed media through Drupal interfaces.

Encouraging Quality

Plan: Publish recommendations for formats & qualities
Northwestern has looked at a number of recommendations published by other institutions. (notes here: https://rosebud.library.northwestern.edu/wiki/bin/view/Main/FileFormatsForLibraryStaff )
Brings up issues around how to communicate to content creators which content is worth preserving at which resolution...