Training and Documentation
- We need to find a happy middle ground between encouraging and supporting new adopters and expecting that we can support people who don't have the requisite skills. We can't expect to teach people git, ruby, solr, fedora, and there are other better places to learn and get support on those technologies.
- However, it would be helpful to give people a pointer to how to get started with these technologies. It would be especially helpful to provide a list of technologies and skills that a developer needs to work with hydra. (Matt Zumwalt has started this already and will expand it in preparation for hydra camp.)
- We are not attempting to build an application, which has all kinds of support problems, and yet we need to provide something that's relatively finished for people to interact with before they can decide to adopt hydra.
Resolved: Institutions with production hydra heads should publish an unprotected demo version of their application, one that is available to the public. This gives potential adopters a sense of what's possible with hydra, it will increase visibility of new functionality within the hydra community, and, especially if the deployment of this app is automated, it shouldn't be an undue burden on application maintainers.