2021-08-13 Partner Call

2021-08-13 Partner Call


Samvera Partners Call

Friday, August 13th, 2021

11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

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Meeting ID: 964 6146 1639

Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants.

  1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

  2. Please review the Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers

Facilitator: @Rosalyn Metz

Note Taker: @Nabeela Jaffer


@Rosalyn Metz

@Nabeela Jaffer

@Margaret Mellinger

@Mike Korcynski

@Jon Dunn

@Hilt, Jessica (Deactivated)

@Kevin Kochanski

@Tim Lepczyk

@Rob Kaufman

@Rick Johnson

@Harriett Green

@Stuart Kenny

@Jim Halliday

@Hannah Frost

@Glen Horton

@Nora Zimmerman

@Daniel Coughlin



Agenda & Notes

  1. Any other items for the agenda?  

  2. Demo of Avalon IIIF Player - Jon Cameron

  3. Update from the Samvera Safety Working Group regarding revised Code of Conduct, Community Helpers, and Incident Response team (@Hannah Frost )

    1. 2021 Call for Community Helpers and Incident Response Team

    2. Samvera Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy
      Update: WG has been actively working since October-November. Incident response is done. In the past there were volunteer helpers. We still are keeping the helpers, and adding a dedicated incident response team. Two weeks back, Heather sent a form to sign up for volunteers. There will be an opportunity to get training to be part of the incident response team. The form is open until September 3rd. It might be extended for a week or so. The plan is to have the incident team in place before the Connect.

  4. Hyrax and Hyku IMLS applications results and next steps discussion (@Jon Dunn, @Heather Greer Klein )
    IMLS grant application submitted. Full proposal was submitted this year. Unfortunately did not get the grant. The reviews were pretty good overall. 4 reviews were 4/5 but one review was 2/5. We were asking $870K. The largest grant given was $750K. There was one IMLS grant-funded related to Hyku. We may want to consider the idea of resourcing Hyrax from up and down the organization within our partners. We need to discuss how can we figure it out as a community, something other than the grant.
    - The Hyku grant (PALCI and PALNI) is a smaller grant, there is less dev work more around coordination work. It would be good for us to talk about how can we make changes to Hyrax that will be moved forward to Hyku. Is it possible to find some funds to get some onetime money to get some vendor involvement? One benefit of submitting the grant application is that we have a good list of what we need to work on next.

  5. Proposal for new maintenance work scheduling approach for 2022: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bwJO9dl4x8oLpQ-NoDNoV9xDW9YK3gGw6-3saviHjYU/edit?usp=sharing
    Heather has pulled together a proposal for a pledge drive for the upcoming year. She has identified some ways that we could be contributing devs. Ask is to review and provide thoughts on moving this proposal forward.
    - Rick: ND is still interested in seeing how we could still contribute time
    - Mike: Interested but now sure how can we contribute. it seems lightweight enough to be approachable, but given that we have multiple customized hyrax apps in production all behind the current release to varying degrees (2.1-2.9), I’m not sure how to explain this type of time commitment to people who would need to approve it. I think the counterargument would just be our time is better spent trying to catch the current release.
    - Rosalyn: There is a lot of learning with group sprints. Board has started to talk about how can we have better training. Tech calls are addressing this well
    - Rob: Bundling time in blocks helps. working on something and contributing back is helpful. Maintaining a lot of apps over time has taught has that keeping it updated regulalry is much better than doing it once after a long time.
    - The proposal is focused on how we can do the maintenance like Princeton has Monday Maintenance days dedicated.

  6. Samvera Marketing update (@Chris Awre)
    - The volunteer call for reviewing the website was sent out last week. We have a couple of folks who volunteered. Please do add your name to the form
    - Samvera repo has been in place for some time. Only Richard or Heather could deposit the works, now there is an update to let users deposit their own work and will be mediated by Heather/Marketing WG.
    - Another topic discussed earlier is use of social media. There will be a brief survey coming out soon to survey the use of social media.
    - Thank you to all of those who contributed to the Samvera tour available on the website.

  7. Updates:

    1. Community Asks:

      1. Partner call demo or sharing/discussion slots open next month - December – sign up here

      2. Connect 2021 Calls for Proposals: Date for Workshops extended to August 31st

      3. Q&A Sessions: Looking for facilitators for next sessions

  8. Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item)

  9. Date of next call: September 10th, demo TBD

  10. Notetaker for next call: 

    1. Jon Dunn

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