URI Selection Call 2018-01-26
URI Selection Call 2018-01-26
Friday, January 26, 9:00-10am Pacific
Connection Info
WebEx: https://oregonstate.webex.com/meet/wickroregonstate.edu
Access Code: 920 757 406
Join by Phone: +1-415-655-0002
- James Griffin (Princeton University)
- matienzo (Stanford)
- Cat Lu (CHF)
- Julie Allinson (Cosector)
- Ryan Wick (Oregon State)
- Vocab manager development update
- Ryan talking to Steering, finding vendor to take on project
- Any other updates
- Geo predicated work on going
- Geo4libcamp next week at Stanford
- Outreach to W3C Spatial Data on the Web group
- Geo predicated work on going
- Discussion of future meeting schedule
- Plan to switch to meeting as needed since we have no incoming inputs
- New issues will arise via email; we'll give about a week for feedback before the call y