URI Selection Call 2017-08-04
URI Selection Call 2017-08-04
9-10am Pacific
Connection Info
WebEx: https://oregonstate.webex.com/meet/wickroregonstate.edu
Access Code: 920 757 406
Join by Phone: +1-415-655-0002
- Finalize edits to Call for Submissions
- Will finish via email
- Update on vocabulary manager development
- DCE has agreed to work on vocab manager; Karen E working to schedule meeting with her, Ryan, DCE
- Still need to determine what the scope is for the initial phase of work
- Set up of Waffle, columns, compare with Suggested Review Process on group wiki homepage
- "Ready" means prioritized for WG review
- "In Progress" means review in process
- Perhaps add "Waiting for more info" or something similar
- If rejected w/ reasons, move to "Done"
- Probably need a way to track when serialized version needs to be added
- Need further discussion with WG
- Predicate Decision Tree - text and links changed to Samvera