URI Selection Call 2017-07-21
URI Selection Call 2017-07-21
9-10am Pacific
Connection Info
WebEx: https://oregonstate.webex.com/meet/wickroregonstate.edu
Access Code: 920 757 406
Join by Phone: +1-415-655-0002
- Review draft call for submissions
- Julie left a few comments; Mark +1's her suggestions
- Submission options
- Do we want to have a submission email address?
- No strong opinions
- Contact either Ryan or the samvera-metadata Google Group
- People unfamiliar with Github should contact
- Ryan to replace "Hydra" with "Samvera" in predicate decision tree
- Review process
- Proposal to use Waffle.io to manage review process - https://waffle.io/samvera-labs/uri_selection_wg
- Make sure we have a quick acknowledgement thanking contributor that WG is reviewing request
- What is our process for deferring suggestions to other vocabulary maintainers?
- What is a reasonable turnaround time?
- Review submitted issues - https://github.com/samvera-labs/uri_selection_wg/issues
- Promulgating body: https://github.com/samvera-labs/uri_selection_wg/issues/1
- General +1 about adding
- Do we want to ask whether this could be added to the MARC Relator Codes?
- This would not deny request
- see review process above
- Promulgating body: https://github.com/samvera-labs/uri_selection_wg/issues/1
- Issue template - revised as per discussions at last meeting, in line with predicate decision tree: https://github.com/samvera-labs/uri_selection_wg/issues/new (Julie)
- Vocab manager development
- Ryan talked to Karen Estlund; on steering agenda for 7/28