Technical Metadata Working Group

Technical Metadata Working Group

Draft Scope & Objectives

***Work Completed***

The initial set of tasks defined for the Technical Metadata Working Group are complete. If additional deliverables and/or technical metadata issues need to be addressed, please contact the  Samvera Metadata Interest Group.

This group is interested in working together on recommendations for extracting and representing technical metadata and is a subgroup of the  Samvera Metadata Interest Group.

The initial goals of the group are:

Meeting Times and Communication Channels

Through April, 2015: Tuesdays at 11:30am EDT / 8:30am PDT. Other meetings, as needed.

Via Google Hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/event/cpt6do5qc6l6mt4g853rqolk5tk

Draft Deliverables & Timeframe

Recommendation delivered to Hydra community before the start of May 2015 community PCDM sprint

Draft Application Profile

Technical Metadata Application Profile


There are a couple categories of tools to consider:

File Identification


Composite Tools

RDF Vocabularies

RDF Mappings


a possible draft in sheet 2 of this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/a/artefactual.com/spreadsheets/d/1Maz_swRR9NtsGVNGPPCnsMmjbjfI3VXx1kFAsC1OedE/edit#gid=478256032


Members agree that by participating all documents produced as part of the working group will be released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Unported License.

  • Aaron Coburn, facilitator (Amherst College)
  • Nick Ruest, facilitator (York University)
  • Sharon Farnel (Univ. of Alberta)
  • Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
  • Corey Harper (New York University)
  • Tom Johnson (DPLA)
  • Mark Matienzo (DPLA)
  • Justin Simpson (Artefactual Systems)
  • Jon Stroop (Princeton University)


Meeting Notes