Metadata Call 2016-06-15

Metadata Call 2016-06-15

Time: 10:00 am PST / 1:00 pm EST

Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025 

Moderator:  mcmillwh (University of Cincinnati)

  1. Subgroup reports
    1. Descriptive Working Group
      1. no meeting since last Metadata IG meeting. Previous notes are at  Descriptive Metadata Call 2016-05-25
    2. MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup
      1. Most recent meeting notes are at  MODS and RDF Call 2016-06-13
    3. Applied Linked Data Working Group
      1. no update
    4. URI Management Working Group
      1. Most recent meeting notes are at  URI Management Working Group
  2. Issues/Questions
    1. none
  3. Review Metadata IG Requests and Priorities
    1. no updates
  4. Additional items
    1. Let's keep an eye on what's going on at Open Repositories http://or2016.net/live/ for any relevant content, possibly to discuss at next meeting
    2. There were 2 discussions related to this group, one on hydra-tech list (PCDM, RelatedObjects, and Sufia (oh my!)) and one on multiple Hydra slack channels around June 3
      1. Would the descriptive group want to address these?
  5. Action items
    1. Add above metadata discussions to Descriptive Metadata WG agenda for next meeting
    2. Add http://rightsstatements.org/en/ and how different institutions are approaching it to the agenda for the next Descriptive Metadata WG meeting 


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