2024-10-15 Documentation Interest Group meeting notes
Zoom link
@Kiah Stroud Softserv
Sarah Proctor Softserv
@Rebekah Kati , UNC-Chapel Hill
Rachel Jacobson
Discuss any newly discovered documentation needs
Discuss how we want to organize the issue board
Review the issue board
Discussion notes
Any documentation needs from participants? No
Recap of kick off meeting and goals of group
Github project board: Documentation Tasks • samvera
Folks have been adding to this outside of the meeting
Group the tickets
By priority?
By system/group that needs to be consulted?
There is a way to link issues to a particular repo in the Samvera org and make use of labels.
If an issue applies to two or more systems, can it be added to both? We’ll ask one of the groups to update and revisit if this approach isn’t working.
Label needs: system (hyrax, hyku, avalon), group (ask heather), difficulty or effort level. We can make use of repo labels once the issue gets added to a repo and add categories to issues on the documentation project board
Embargo documentation
The documentation seems up to date, but some of the tickets themselves seem to have been closed without the functionality being changed
Should the group address and resurface old tickets? Commenting is always welcome, but closing not the responsibility of this group.
Folks in this group can feel free to volunteer to update documentation themselves, but no one should feel obligated to do so.
Structure of future meetings: begin with documentation needs and discussion. After that’s complete, folks who want to can categorize issues.