Hydra Tech Call 2016-08-24

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025

Moderator: Jeremy Friesen

Notetaker: cam156



  1. Roll call by timezone per following order (moderator)
    1. folks outside North and South America
    2. Eastern timezone
    3. Central timezone
    4. Mountain timezone
    5. Pacific timezone
    6. folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
  2. Call for additional agenda items (moderator)
  3. RDF2 ramifications in CC 1.4+/Sufia 7.2+ (Trey)
    1. New version of active triples uses RDF2
      1. Add multiple titles to an object the order that the indexes the items is random, so that each time you save it it will show the statements in a different order.
        1. May cause people pain, which is consitent with RDF
        2. Users were assuming we were modeling order, but we were not
        3. Can be built, but may not be on other's plate
      2. Should be much faster
        1. Due to efficiencies due to transactions
        2. May not be related to RDF2
    2. if you put RDF 1.99 you will get the old behavior
    3. if you do not put RDF in your gemfile you will get the new version
    4. Do a sort in the indexer instead of the presenter since that only has to happen one time.  Alpha sort would be low hanging fruit.
      1. Alpha order may not be sufficient, but is better than nothing.
      2. May need additional fields
    5. Use RDF list in the properties, but we do not know how long that would take as RDF list is unstable
    6. Solved in Fedora 3 serialized the graph
    7. Is this a high priority for people? It is an issue for Lynette, are there others?
    8. Why is there an order (primary Author with multiple predicates).  This is an opportunity to look at our model, but there will need to be modeling and human communication work.
    9. Action: Write a ticket for curation concerns to alpha sort in both the form and the index
    10. Action: Write a ticket in ActiveFedora for doing ordered terms.
  4. Should ActiveTriples return literals by default? (Tom)
    1. Proposed behavior is complete at https://github.com/ActiveTriples/ActiveTriples/pull/246
      1. Should not be a major change
      2. In the past we have always cast literal value in graphs to ruby objects
        1. possible to take data types of literals or language type literals
          1. MyResource.property  = MyResource.property
            1. could use language types
      3. Changes:
        1. RDF plain litterals are cast to ruby strings
        2. Know data types are still cast to ruby data types
          1. dates
          2. times
          3. tokens
        3. Language tag literals return as RDF literal objects retaining the language tags.
          1. give you access directly to the language tags
        4. Unknown data types return as RDF literal objects
        5. Set a relation to another relation those will be handled behind the scenes as RDF literal objects
      4. Should be non breaking for most and positive for people using language tags.
      5. Need thumbs up on the PR or continued silence is consent 
  5. Mediated deposit issue analysis & technical design (Giarlo)
    1. Community sprint starting on Monday working for a few months on implementing a mediated deposit work flow.
    2. User stories that exist in Sufia.  Labeled Meditated Deposit. Need developers to look at them and make them actionable.
    3. Need to get into technical design about how and where we implement this
  6. Problems with proposed method of "related files" in PCDM (Drew)
    1. tabled for next time.
  7. Moderator/notetaker for next time:
    1. Moderator: Drew Myers
    2. Notetaker: Mike Giarlo