Hydra Tech Call 2016-11-09

Hydra Tech Call 2016-11-09

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025

Moderator: Glen Horton

Notetaker: Steve Van Tuyl


  • Steve Van Tuyl (Oregon State)
  • Brandon Straley (Oregon State)
  • Greg Luis (Oregon State)
  • Josh Gum (Oregon State)
  • Glen Horton (U Cincinnati)
  • Justin Coyne (Stanford)
  • Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
  • akhedkar (Indiana)
  • tamsin woo (DCE)
  • Aaron Collier (Cal State)
  • Esme Cowles (Princeton)
  • Jennifer Linder (Art Institute Chicago)
  • Trey Pendragon (Princeton)
  • Peter Binkley (Alberta - arrived late)


  1. Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present
    1. folks outside North and South America
    2. Eastern timezone
    3. Central timezone
    4. Mountain timezone
    5. Pacific timezone
    6. folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
  2. Call for additional agenda items (moderator)
    1. None
  3. Check-in on large PRs requiring review (moderator)
    1. Add Sipity workflow (Pendragon)
      1. Continuing review and spinning the workflow stuff up in Plum (at Princeton)
      2. Use case Plum has - some users have permissions because of some property of the user (e.g. everybody can flag content)
        1. Would be helpful to have the ability to allow group support and Justin Coyne put this together
        2. Still need some clarity (in the PR) on how to assign abilities to groups
        3. Trey will follow up with Justin
    2. Reverse Collection membership (Cowles)
      1. A few comments on the PR about removed functionality
      2. Last time we decided it would be better to restore that functionality
      3. Esme has done the work to address these issues and things are ready to go for comments, review, merge
      4. Tom Johnson - did a little work as part of a tech eval on backporting this work to CC 1.6
        1. Wanted to get a sense from people about whether that seems like a good idea
        2. DCE is trying to make some decisions about moving apps to CC v2
        3. Discussion ensues about version numbering for current and upcoming PRs
      5. Tom is happy to help coordinate a review/release
      6. Might be helpful to get input from Michael Joseph Giarlo due to community concerns about churn
      7. Action Item - tamsin woo will shepherd this process and initiate necessary conversations and emails to hydratech
    3. Handle external content changes in Fedora 4.7.0 (Cowles)
      1. Esme made updates based on feedback
      2. This PR is ready to merge
      3. Action Item - Esmé Cowles will ping Michael Joseph Giarlo
    4. Allow depositing in Admin Sets you have deposit access to (Cole)
      1. Merging
    5. Add a modal to select work type when there is more than one (Cole)
      1. Just opened this up this morning and there is currently a lot of discussion on this
      2. Cole - modals have created issues in the past and it would behoove us to look at this now instead of fixing it later
      3. Difficult to generate descriptions that are sensical and grammatical all the time
      4. There are some comments in the PR/discussion that may help resolve these concerns
      5. justin recommends looking at the wiki instructions
      6. Thumbnails - these are being generated in different ways/places/views - not necessarily an issue to block this PR, but this adds one more place
      7. Action Item - cam156 will open a new issue to move towards unifying icons/thumbnails/etc.
  4. Moderator/notetaker for next time: 
    1. Moderator:   Esmé Cowles
    2. Notetaker:   justin